Monday, 30 November 2015

Start of Week 4, Day 16 of Actual Gyming.

Today was just as hard to wake up as you would assume.
A weekend of concerts, food, football and more food!
I didn't want to get out of bed.
I'm glad I did of course, it was just tough.

I decided just cardio today. Tred, Bike, Row. I played this "Fish Game" on the rowing machine. It was weird, I did not understand it in the least! There were no instructions, it was just an option on the menu, so I thought "hey why not?" but then it was really weird, there were 3 sizes of fish on the little screen, I have no idea which fish I was supposed to be, or how they moved or how the scoring worked! I just know that sometimes the score would go up, and then sometimes it would go down...
So if there are any Fish Game Row experts out there, some help would be great!

That was my workout today, I'm glad I went.

Okay, now we can talk body image.
I was reading a blog post I follow on Facebook, and it was all about not comparing yourself to others. Great message.
The photo she used?
An amazing and incredibly attractive body.
I'm talking perfectly round underboob (her shirt was pulled up and she was laying on her side) (boobs clearly fake, not judging, not my point, just stating, they were perfectly round), her stomach had muscle lines all down it, she was tanned, she looked like she had just worked out, or was in the middle of a workout (I don't know what kind of workout you do in a bikini bottom, with your shirt pulled up to your underboob, but again - no judgy). She had no pooch, perfectly sculpted legs, no thigh fat... like - why is she the image telling me not to compare myself to anyone? Why is the perfect, amazing image, telling me not to judge my own imperfect body, on someone else?

That just makes no sense what so ever.
I have imperfections.

I read one time a good exercise is to stand in front of the mirror, every now and then, maybe once a week, maybe everyday, however often you need it, and list 5 physical things you like about your own body.
and yes, at first I scoffed at it.

Then, one day, I was feeling down about myself. I had just got out of the shower and was trying to decide what I wanted to wear that day. (The struggle is real y'all)
I made myself do it, there were no witnesses, no one to make fun of me for doing the exercise, no one to laugh at my 5 choices...
And I will admit... it was easier than I expected.
It turns out, there is a lot more I like about my body than I first realized!
I am so constantly focused on what I don't like, I forget to compliment myself!
And no, no one has to agree with you. These don't have to be things you have ever received a compliment about... 
Just choose 5 you love. 5 you find attractive.
I found, I have more than 5.

I can list them if you like. If you don't care you can just skip this next part (winky face)
I like my feet, I like my legs, I like my height, I like my ass, I like my side ab muscles, I like my breasteses, I like my collar bone, I like my hands, I like my back, I like my lips, i like my eyes.

and That's just off the top of my head! (I also like the top of my head)

So, it can be done. It is WAY easier to point out the things I don't like.
WAY easier. But that doesn't help anything.
And that's what this whole journey is about, being done with a certain place I have reached in my life, and wanting to change.
So no list of things I want to change (although if I do a quick count, there are 18 things I want to change physically about my body... that's a few more than 5).

Can we actually begin to look at ourselves the way those commercials for soap, and cereal, tell us to.
Actually build each other, and ourselves up.

I will try.

I will try and stop asking why that girl isn't sweating as much as me, or why she can lift more than me. and why she is 7 years younger... haha all things I cannot change.

Are you ready for changes? Are you bettering your life?
Are you bettering my life? Cuz if someone else could just come do it for me already... that'd be great. I'm tired of this BS.

I really do have a great, wonderful, supportive SO. I lucked out.

I really am ending this now.
- Signed "LoveWatchingMyOwnReflection"

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