Alright, here we are at day 2. Already. That came quickly...
Waking up on time was easier today. Mostly because Alexus woke up at 3:53 to pee... and if you are thinking I stayed up, and got an earlier start, you haven't been paying attention.
I ate toast with peanut butter today though. Cuz some wise woman told me that to build muscle you have to fuel with protein first. The more protein you eat the more muscle you build right? Cuz I ate the whole jar of peanut butter.
I think I'll tell you some of my goals here, with this whole getting fit thing. or fit-er. Cuz I'm not in horrid shape, I'm just in MY worst shape.
And that was really it.
I used to be somewhat active when I was in high school, I mean, I always played soccer but dreaded practices, and would put off the actual running part until I absolutely had to... but in all honesty - I enjoy working out!
I just HATE the thought of it.
Ask me to go for a walk you will 100% get an "ugh" from me. Ew. but I will definitely do it! and I will enjoy it.
Hiking? too much work. I don't wanna go. Stop asking already.
But I will go, and I will love it and never want it to end.
For some unknown reason (I'm sure I could figure it out, but why? too much work) I just can't ever seem to get my head around the start point of a workout.
Okay anyway, I used to be active, then I got less active, then my body stopped growing up, and therefore could only grow out.
I was in the best shape of my life in the summer of 2010 - the summer I got prego-ed. That was a fantastic time/journey/experience blah blah blah, but that's not what we are talking about.
After Alexus I got even more lazy with my exercise routine. But, inactivity only leads to inactivity!
I started missing working out, I started running again in the summer of 2014. Then someone introduced me to Zumba. Jerk.
Dance for an hour? To Latin music?
I'd watch a recording of me doing that! Cuz that would be entertaining as hell!
But no. I'm not doing that.
Okay I did it.
It was awful.
But then I couldn't stop thinking about it, and she went again on Thursday (first class was Sunday), and I didn't go Thursday. and then Sunday came again...
I went Sunday.
I went every Sunday and Thursday from June until October.
I Zumbaed twice a week, ran once a week, and did at home weight-body whatever muscle... you know... stuff 2 times a week.
NOW I was in the best shape of my life.
Then winter of 2014 hit. I tried some Gillian Michaels, but I did less and less of that, more and more of nothing.
Laziness took over again. She really is my best friend. We just get along so well. She doesn't push my to do things, she doesn't have expectations, and we love watching TV together.
Then Summer 2015.... I didn't like what happened... I lost all my work... and I wasn't done! I had progressed, yes, but I wasn't done! and I undid it all, in 6 months.
I think it's safe to say I enjoy the doing of something more than I enjoy the thought of not doing something. Which I enjoy a great deal.
So I started running again. 3 days a week.
Which is easy when the sun starts coming up earlier. and the coldest it is at 5 am is +10.
Then it just keeps getting warmer!
But being lazy is just so easy.
and I knew cardio wasn't enough, but I didn't have free weights, and that was a very good excuse to sleep in!
I tried Beach Body. A quick workout, with and instructor telling me what to do, and instructor who is not Gillian.
Again, I didn't have free weights. and some of those workouts require free weights. Not require, as in, if you don't have the weights What's Her Bucket is going to come through your TV and beat you with her dumbbells type required. But required as in, you get the best out of it if you DO have weights.
A perfect excuse to not workout that day.
And then there come like 20 more excuses.
We went to Cape Breton. You know how you eat on vacation? I don't, but I know how I eat on vacation. and it's not good.
I knew I wasn't losing weight, but I had no idea where I was at.
Until we were leaving. And the in-laws got out the scale to weigh the suitcases.
Everyone got on. Everyone except the MIL. Because she has a brain in her head.
My curiosity took over. and I stepped on. Biggest mistake I have ever made.
Numbers have never mattered to me, I still don't care about the number the scale says, I just know what it represents. I know that if the number is higher, I am not in as good of shape as I used to be.
And this number was higher than it had EVER been. (not counting pregnancy! geeze that so does't count - I gained 59 lbs during those 9 ish months for those of you who are curious)
But not including pregancy, Summer 2015 was the heaviest I have EVER been. (No I am not sharing my number, it is my number, and it matters not, it is not for you to be jealous of, for you to judge me by, or for you to use at a crutch - aka I don't have to start working out yet I'm not that heavy - everyone is different. This is just my story).
So that brings us here. To this journey and this blog.
This was my wall. My enough. There was just no way I could stand by and watch everything I had never wanted overtake my life.
I couldn't let it become more about my deepest desires to do nothing, and less about my secret love of exercising.
It's only day 2. This isn't my first marathon or anything. Not that I think I will ever run a marathon. I don't want to do that.
These haven't really been goals, more like back story - but I felt it was necessary to start somewhere, in order to know where I am, and why I'm here.
Why I'm here on this journey, and here on this blog, not here as in Earth. I don't have THAT big of a complex!
Although just for the record, I am a God sent angel of pure wonderment.
To cap my workout - just to justify my actions to anyone reading, and just in case you came here for motivation, or to check up on me...
Today I warmed up on the stationary bike.
That was entertaining as just like yesterday with the treadmill, I have NEVER been on a stationary bike before! so I get on, today I chose the bike in front of the TV that had a cute puppy on the show - aww! and the display on the bike lights up.
Now maybe something else you need to know about me, as much as I hate the idea of movement, I hate reading. So when those words scrolled across the tiny bike screen I read "blah-blah-blah whatever I'll figure it out" well, I started "biking" and then it just stopped.... turns out I maybe should have read the screen...
Oh well, I just started it up again! and 5 minutes later I was warm! Well, warm enough, that show with the cute puppy was just a commercial, and the real show wasn't interesting. and I had nothing to distract me any further. So I walked over to the machines.
Remember I have never worked out at a gym before. This should be good.
I look at the pictures of the silhouette of a body, and the muscle groups this machine works, nah, I don't feel like that muscle is for me. Next machine.
This one is on the outside of the cluster of machines, and there are a few ladies in this room today, I can't be seen.
Next machine.
Oooh this one has a chair! I can sit and workout?!?!! deal. I'll try this one.
Okay I know enough to move the pin, but what weight do I want? 11 lbs? maybe just the 5 to start (this is like a back of the legs-working machine)
5 is a bit light. back to 11.
How many reps should I do?
Day 1 of weights... I'll do 10.
Okay 10! ha! NEXT!
Front of the legs machine. Start at 11 lbs this time. Done. 10. BOOM! Legs of steel! Come at me Clark Kent!
Okay, now what? Can I go home yet?
Free weights. My old friends, I know how to lift those! (up and down, FYI.)
They don't have 3s? Why? do feeble people not workout here? Guess not. 5s it is. I better start easy.
Squats with weights. Easy. 10. and done. I don't need 3s! Silly Naomi.
Arm raises - not as easy. But I do my 10.
Now 8 lbs to sumo squat, arm curls, and backwards arm lifty things. I don't know what they are called, nor do I know the muscle they work, one of the ones in your arms, and I did 10 of them.
10 lbs to do behind the head two handed lifts (I know that's not what they are called technically. It is now). 10 of those.
I did some weight-free leg lifts. (Not completely weight free, I wasn't in 0 gravity or something. I mean no weights on my ankles, or no weights strapped to my legs... ya know?)
I ran out of ideas, and so I headed to the treadmill for an interval of 5 mins of running.
On to abs. regular sit ups. reverse crunches. bicycles. feeling the burn.
I'm done.
Walk on the treadmill for 2 mins.
Locker room.
No surprises today. The lock opened. I went home.
The only thing I can tell you is I recommend blending your smoothie before pouring your pre-portioned bags into your cup.
That is all for today!
I'm expecting to be pretty sore tomorrow. Looking forward to
Here's to day 2!
Blog Archive
- Start of Week 4, Day 16 of Actual Gyming.
- 4 and oh
- Dear Diary: Tuesday Nov. 24 It was another snow...
- Machine Mondays
- La Ay Zee
- Wobbly Legs
- Abs and ABS
- Another Successful day!
- Another Monday - My Smoothie Tastes Like Chocolate...
- Day Off Does NOT Mean Day Off!!!
- Day 5 - Still Hard to Get Up Early!
- Day... Whatever it's Monday
- Day 3 - (not 5 like it should be)
- Day 2 - New Lock
- Day 1 - The First Blog Post. The First Gym Visit. ...
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