Monday, 16 November 2015

Another Monday - My Smoothie Tastes Like Chocolate Cake

It is. and it does.

It is Monday. Monday's are getting easier. That is a good thing, I am just not 100% convinced of that yet...

See, if Monday becomes easier, then I have to keep doing them. I enjoy sitting and not doing Mondays. I enjoy sleep. and Netflix.

You know what I noticed? Getting up is hard. Always.

Friday night I was in bed no later than midnight I think (who can remember that far back)
Saturday Morning Alexus was up at 7:44 (that I remember!)
That was hard to get up and put a movie on, and get her breakfast, and go back to sleep.
Then it was still hard to get out of bed at 8:30...

Sunday morning Alexus was in Calgary, bugging Grandma to wake up, I woke up in my own bed on my own (no 4 year old asking if it's morning yet) at 9!
Still hard to get up.

I was in bed at a decent hour last night, and it wasn't as hard as I have found it in previous weeks, to get up at 4:30!

On my way home from the gym, I was less tired than I have been.

That's a good level to reach I say.

I didn't do anything this weekend exercise wise.
I just did a lot of NOT exercising. I sat in a car for 6 hours, I sat in my house, on my couch, in a restaurant, 2 restaurants actually, a few bars, and again on my couch!

I like having rest days. Those days are my fav.

My smoothie tastes like chocolate cake. 


Chocolate Vega, half an avocado, half a banana, frozen strawberries, coconut milk (Silk brand not like canned stuff.... so it's fortified with vitamins (vit-ah-mins), flax seeds (ground of course) and chia seeds (not ground of course), and water = chocolate cake smoothie apparently.

I have been eating a spoonful of peanut butter with a half a banana before hitting the gym.

Good idea? bad idea? have better ideas?
Want to share your ideas with me?

I find nothing works better to motivate me. Some people watch the TVs, some people even read, some people listen to podcasts or E-books etc. Me, I need music. and it has to be amazing. Nothing average, or meh. Amazing only.

I have 2 favorite songs right now, Icona Pop "Emergency" check that one out on You Tube!

and Felix Jaehn Feat Jasmine Thompson "Ain't Nobody"

That "Ain't Nobody" song is my top 5 right now. and Top 2 for workouts - obvs

I also took some pics for ya'll.

Pics make things better - visual stumili. You now have audio (and visual) and [just] visual stimuli! big day for the lazy blog!!!

Found in locker 13... Luck 13? Someone left their boobs behind. It is lucky 13! New boobs for Naomi!!! 

Here I is ready, or "ready" because I not like ready ready. Just technically I can't stall any further...

This is my after shot, sorry it's blurry, that's what happens when you upload phone pics apparently. And since you can't really see it, I'll just inform you - that is one bulging bicep you are seeing right there.

Update: No progress as of yet on the goal of walking up more flights of stairs, and not getting tired/ out of breath whenst walking flights of stairs.

I am about to walk down 10 flights...

I bid thee a phenomenal day.

Signed: Chocolate Cake In Any Form

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