Friday, 27 November 2015


Might be self declared, but who's opinion matters more than my own?

No one's.

I did it! I made it all 5 days this week!!
Today may have been my best day too!
I ran, and did whole body things, and ran again, then did more all body (as in I did an exercise to work my legs, then one for abs, then one for arms - all self directed on the mats)

It was great. Makes me feel good to have good days.
I know I need to work on more, and different muscle groups, but for now, simply showing up is progress!

This is my sweaty sweat band. Yes, an after-workout shot. I did not show up to the gym with a sweaty band. Although I did forget to grab socks, so I wore the same ones as yesterday.

Judge all you like, I can beat you up. You and your mom.

I don't have time, once again, to touch on the Body Image subject, I will just quickly say that it seems to be an issue for us all. Every type, every age, and both genders. I am working on mine, and I love the support I have, and I encourage you to work on yours.

This week hasn't been easy, I am still waiting for that reflection to change (the mirror one) I have read that it takes 2 weeks for you to start to notice a change... well I am what 4 weeks? and I notice nothing. I promise I won't get discouraged, I just want it.
I have been pretty tired all week, but I won't let that stop me from showing up again next week! 
I will be striving for Platinum status!

I would like to thank my SO for being so supportive. I wouldn't be able to do this without his support (and I don't just mean because he is at home with the kid while I go... ) I mean he is encouraging, and supportive, and pretends to show and interest, even though I am sure it is all really boring to him.

He's pretty rad, and deserves a shout out. Even though he will never read this.
xoxox and a heart, and I love you always and forever? Mushy stuff?

Before y'all vomit, I'll stop.

I'm waving hello to you. Arrival time at the gym. 5 AM. Departure 6 AM. Death wish status = high.

I am bidding you goodbye now. 
Have a good weekend, make good choices (just kidding. I never do)
Make a mess this weekend! Messes are more fun.

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