Good morning, (or afternoon, or evening, or night - whenever you've taken the time to read this)
I have been away for a while!
But I have not forgotten about you! Oh no.
I have been a bit sickly. I had lost my voice on the 3rd? I think it was. Then was left with a really annoying never leaving me cough. I tried to kill it, but it won't die.
I wasn't sleeping, and that's my reasoning for being lazy bones.
Then Tuesday the 8th Mr. went out of town, and "they" won't let me leave my 4 year old at home in bed along whilst I better my health at the gym :(
He was back Friday the 11th. I still slept in Monday the 14th. Didn't feel like getting back into it after 2 weeks off... blame me? Well then you should have been knocking on my door waking me up! I didn't see you out there either! lay off!
Okay where was I? Oh right, motivation...
Ya so Tuesday the 15th I promised myself I wouldn't miss any more gym days this week, and try my best to not miss anymore before the little Christmas break! (where I am sure to consume all of the calories I have tried to work off over the past few months... but I will consume them with glee and regret it later. or probably not regret it, just do it again and again and again...)
Tuesday I hit the gym, promising myself I wouldn't push myself too hard, I would just do cardio. I kept that promise to myself.
Wednesday I took back to the machines, did a bit of leg work, and had a thought/realization. I feel I haven't been seeing results in the quantity/quality I was sort of expecting... Now I realize everything in your life effects how you lose weight or whatever... etc but I was honestly expecting this to go a bit differently... I assumed I'd see results similar to 2 summers ago...
I think I finally realized [another] reason why (the main reason is diet, I am no where near as strict, nor do I eat as many fresh veggies as I really really really should be!!!!)
Anyway, I [think] it is because I used to do interval workouts, and more intense workouts...
On my cardio days it was Zumba twice a week, which is full of varying cardio, which works so many different areas and muscles, and pushes me so hard.
Then on days when I would go running, I was stopping at the halfway point and doing muscle work like push ups, arm exercises, squats, you know - the works, then running back again.
This time around, at the gym, I find I don't have time, in the hour I am at the gym, to do all of that.
I either do cardio, or a warm up and then a specific muscle group (legs, arms, or abs)
I am not doing intervals, I am not doing much variety!
Now I feel the machines do help, and they are a good idea, I am just wondering if I should switch up the frequency in which I machine.. and add in varying land cardio (ie mountain-climbers, jumping jacks, running on the spot etc vs treadmill or bike...)
So that was my thought yesterday after my workout, and it continued on to today, when I couldn't remember which muscle group I had even worked out yesterday... that's probably not a good sign.
So that can be my next week, and new year resolution, to eat more raw veggies, and to do more varied, interval workout. I am now at the point where I would like to start seeing some return on my investments.
That is all for today folks.
Check back tomorrow, I may or may not post. I WILL workout! Although it seems every time I make that promise something unexpected comes up, and I make a liar out of myself...
So I will do my best to workout tomorrow, and my best to post about it.
Have nice times!
Singed N-dot
Blog Archive
- Start of Week 4, Day 16 of Actual Gyming.
- 4 and oh
- Dear Diary: Tuesday Nov. 24 It was another snow...
- Machine Mondays
- La Ay Zee
- Wobbly Legs
- Abs and ABS
- Another Successful day!
- Another Monday - My Smoothie Tastes Like Chocolate...
- Day Off Does NOT Mean Day Off!!!
- Day 5 - Still Hard to Get Up Early!
- Day... Whatever it's Monday
- Day 3 - (not 5 like it should be)
- Day 2 - New Lock
- Day 1 - The First Blog Post. The First Gym Visit. ...
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Monday, 30 November 2015
Start of Week 4, Day 16 of Actual Gyming.
Today was just as hard to wake up as you would assume.
A weekend of concerts, food, football and more food!
I didn't want to get out of bed.
I'm glad I did of course, it was just tough.
I decided just cardio today. Tred, Bike, Row. I played this "Fish Game" on the rowing machine. It was weird, I did not understand it in the least! There were no instructions, it was just an option on the menu, so I thought "hey why not?" but then it was really weird, there were 3 sizes of fish on the little screen, I have no idea which fish I was supposed to be, or how they moved or how the scoring worked! I just know that sometimes the score would go up, and then sometimes it would go down...
So if there are any Fish Game Row experts out there, some help would be great!
That was my workout today, I'm glad I went.
Okay, now we can talk body image.
I was reading a blog post I follow on Facebook, and it was all about not comparing yourself to others. Great message.
The photo she used?
An amazing and incredibly attractive body.
I'm talking perfectly round underboob (her shirt was pulled up and she was laying on her side) (boobs clearly fake, not judging, not my point, just stating, they were perfectly round), her stomach had muscle lines all down it, she was tanned, she looked like she had just worked out, or was in the middle of a workout (I don't know what kind of workout you do in a bikini bottom, with your shirt pulled up to your underboob, but again - no judgy). She had no pooch, perfectly sculpted legs, no thigh fat... like - why is she the image telling me not to compare myself to anyone? Why is the perfect, amazing image, telling me not to judge my own imperfect body, on someone else?
That just makes no sense what so ever.
I have imperfections.
I read one time a good exercise is to stand in front of the mirror, every now and then, maybe once a week, maybe everyday, however often you need it, and list 5 physical things you like about your own body.
and yes, at first I scoffed at it.
Then, one day, I was feeling down about myself. I had just got out of the shower and was trying to decide what I wanted to wear that day. (The struggle is real y'all)
I made myself do it, there were no witnesses, no one to make fun of me for doing the exercise, no one to laugh at my 5 choices...
And I will admit... it was easier than I expected.
It turns out, there is a lot more I like about my body than I first realized!
I am so constantly focused on what I don't like, I forget to compliment myself!
And no, no one has to agree with you. These don't have to be things you have ever received a compliment about...
Just choose 5 you love. 5 you find attractive.
I found, I have more than 5.
I can list them if you like. If you don't care you can just skip this next part (winky face)
I like my feet, I like my legs, I like my height, I like my ass, I like my side ab muscles, I like my breasteses, I like my collar bone, I like my hands, I like my back, I like my lips, i like my eyes.
and That's just off the top of my head! (I also like the top of my head)
So, it can be done. It is WAY easier to point out the things I don't like.
WAY easier. But that doesn't help anything.
And that's what this whole journey is about, being done with a certain place I have reached in my life, and wanting to change.
So no list of things I want to change (although if I do a quick count, there are 18 things I want to change physically about my body... that's a few more than 5).
Can we actually begin to look at ourselves the way those commercials for soap, and cereal, tell us to.
Actually build each other, and ourselves up.
I will try.
I will try and stop asking why that girl isn't sweating as much as me, or why she can lift more than me. and why she is 7 years younger... haha all things I cannot change.
Are you ready for changes? Are you bettering your life?
Are you bettering my life? Cuz if someone else could just come do it for me already... that'd be great. I'm tired of this BS.
I really do have a great, wonderful, supportive SO. I lucked out.
I really am ending this now.
- Signed "LoveWatchingMyOwnReflection"
A weekend of concerts, food, football and more food!
I didn't want to get out of bed.
I'm glad I did of course, it was just tough.
I decided just cardio today. Tred, Bike, Row. I played this "Fish Game" on the rowing machine. It was weird, I did not understand it in the least! There were no instructions, it was just an option on the menu, so I thought "hey why not?" but then it was really weird, there were 3 sizes of fish on the little screen, I have no idea which fish I was supposed to be, or how they moved or how the scoring worked! I just know that sometimes the score would go up, and then sometimes it would go down...
So if there are any Fish Game Row experts out there, some help would be great!
That was my workout today, I'm glad I went.
Okay, now we can talk body image.
I was reading a blog post I follow on Facebook, and it was all about not comparing yourself to others. Great message.
The photo she used?
An amazing and incredibly attractive body.
I'm talking perfectly round underboob (her shirt was pulled up and she was laying on her side) (boobs clearly fake, not judging, not my point, just stating, they were perfectly round), her stomach had muscle lines all down it, she was tanned, she looked like she had just worked out, or was in the middle of a workout (I don't know what kind of workout you do in a bikini bottom, with your shirt pulled up to your underboob, but again - no judgy). She had no pooch, perfectly sculpted legs, no thigh fat... like - why is she the image telling me not to compare myself to anyone? Why is the perfect, amazing image, telling me not to judge my own imperfect body, on someone else?
That just makes no sense what so ever.
I have imperfections.
I read one time a good exercise is to stand in front of the mirror, every now and then, maybe once a week, maybe everyday, however often you need it, and list 5 physical things you like about your own body.
and yes, at first I scoffed at it.
Then, one day, I was feeling down about myself. I had just got out of the shower and was trying to decide what I wanted to wear that day. (The struggle is real y'all)
I made myself do it, there were no witnesses, no one to make fun of me for doing the exercise, no one to laugh at my 5 choices...
And I will admit... it was easier than I expected.
It turns out, there is a lot more I like about my body than I first realized!
I am so constantly focused on what I don't like, I forget to compliment myself!
And no, no one has to agree with you. These don't have to be things you have ever received a compliment about...
Just choose 5 you love. 5 you find attractive.
I found, I have more than 5.
I can list them if you like. If you don't care you can just skip this next part (winky face)
I like my feet, I like my legs, I like my height, I like my ass, I like my side ab muscles, I like my breasteses, I like my collar bone, I like my hands, I like my back, I like my lips, i like my eyes.
and That's just off the top of my head! (I also like the top of my head)
So, it can be done. It is WAY easier to point out the things I don't like.
WAY easier. But that doesn't help anything.
And that's what this whole journey is about, being done with a certain place I have reached in my life, and wanting to change.
So no list of things I want to change (although if I do a quick count, there are 18 things I want to change physically about my body... that's a few more than 5).
Can we actually begin to look at ourselves the way those commercials for soap, and cereal, tell us to.
Actually build each other, and ourselves up.
I will try.
I will try and stop asking why that girl isn't sweating as much as me, or why she can lift more than me. and why she is 7 years younger... haha all things I cannot change.
Are you ready for changes? Are you bettering your life?
Are you bettering my life? Cuz if someone else could just come do it for me already... that'd be great. I'm tired of this BS.
I really do have a great, wonderful, supportive SO. I lucked out.
I really am ending this now.
- Signed "LoveWatchingMyOwnReflection"
Friday, 27 November 2015
Might be self declared, but who's opinion matters more than my own?
No one's.
I did it! I made it all 5 days this week!!
Today may have been my best day too!
I ran, and did whole body things, and ran again, then did more all body (as in I did an exercise to work my legs, then one for abs, then one for arms - all self directed on the mats)
It was great. Makes me feel good to have good days.
I know I need to work on more, and different muscle groups, but for now, simply showing up is progress!
This is my sweaty sweat band. Yes, an after-workout shot. I did not show up to the gym with a sweaty band. Although I did forget to grab socks, so I wore the same ones as yesterday.
Judge all you like, I can beat you up. You and your mom.
I don't have time, once again, to touch on the Body Image subject, I will just quickly say that it seems to be an issue for us all. Every type, every age, and both genders. I am working on mine, and I love the support I have, and I encourage you to work on yours.
This week hasn't been easy, I am still waiting for that reflection to change (the mirror one) I have read that it takes 2 weeks for you to start to notice a change... well I am what 4 weeks? and I notice nothing. I promise I won't get discouraged, I just want it.
I have been pretty tired all week, but I won't let that stop me from showing up again next week!
I will be striving for Platinum status!
I would like to thank my SO for being so supportive. I wouldn't be able to do this without his support (and I don't just mean because he is at home with the kid while I go... ) I mean he is encouraging, and supportive, and pretends to show and interest, even though I am sure it is all really boring to him.
He's pretty rad, and deserves a shout out. Even though he will never read this.
xoxox and a heart, and I love you always and forever? Mushy stuff?
Before y'all vomit, I'll stop.
I'm waving hello to you. Arrival time at the gym. 5 AM. Departure 6 AM. Death wish status = high.
I am bidding you goodbye now.
Have a good weekend, make good choices (just kidding. I never do)
Make a mess this weekend! Messes are more fun.
No one's.
I did it! I made it all 5 days this week!!
Today may have been my best day too!
I ran, and did whole body things, and ran again, then did more all body (as in I did an exercise to work my legs, then one for abs, then one for arms - all self directed on the mats)
It was great. Makes me feel good to have good days.
I know I need to work on more, and different muscle groups, but for now, simply showing up is progress!
This is my sweaty sweat band. Yes, an after-workout shot. I did not show up to the gym with a sweaty band. Although I did forget to grab socks, so I wore the same ones as yesterday.
Judge all you like, I can beat you up. You and your mom.
I don't have time, once again, to touch on the Body Image subject, I will just quickly say that it seems to be an issue for us all. Every type, every age, and both genders. I am working on mine, and I love the support I have, and I encourage you to work on yours.
This week hasn't been easy, I am still waiting for that reflection to change (the mirror one) I have read that it takes 2 weeks for you to start to notice a change... well I am what 4 weeks? and I notice nothing. I promise I won't get discouraged, I just want it.
I have been pretty tired all week, but I won't let that stop me from showing up again next week!
I will be striving for Platinum status!
I would like to thank my SO for being so supportive. I wouldn't be able to do this without his support (and I don't just mean because he is at home with the kid while I go... ) I mean he is encouraging, and supportive, and pretends to show and interest, even though I am sure it is all really boring to him.
He's pretty rad, and deserves a shout out. Even though he will never read this.
xoxox and a heart, and I love you always and forever? Mushy stuff?
Before y'all vomit, I'll stop.
I'm waving hello to you. Arrival time at the gym. 5 AM. Departure 6 AM. Death wish status = high.
I am bidding you goodbye now.
Have a good weekend, make good choices (just kidding. I never do)
Make a mess this weekend! Messes are more fun.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
4 and oh
Record for this week is looking promising...!! So far I am 4 and 0. One more day and this will be my first full week of gym attendance since I started gyming! I think that's a pretty good achievement.
Today was another typical day, warm up on the treader. 7 minutes of full running though! That is an improvement over the 5 minutes with some walking thrown in!
Today was an ab-aber day! I sat up and laid back down so many times. My favorite part was the laying down. My least favorite was when I made myself do scissor-y things.... If you don't know what that is:
You lay on your back (yay!!) and you put your legs out in front of you (where else would they go? folded under you like a pretzel?? No.) and you lift your legs off the ground just as much as you have to, like the closer to the ground your legs can be the hotter you are going to get! I lift my legs fairly high usually, today I was able to hold them a bit lower! Yay, personal improvement #2!
Anyway, once your legs are off the ground, you cross them back and forth, right over left, left over right, looking like scissors. They suck.
And I suck for making myself do them :( Twice!!!
I don't hate ALL ab exercises, I just hate how they hurt...
I did bicycles, and heel touches, and planks of all kinds.
For abs, the half hour almost isn't enough, I will need to give myself more time next time. But that sounds less fun, and more hurty... so maybe I will just add a quick 5 minute ab sess. onto my daily workout? I don't know, I will think about it, and don't you worry! I will for sure let you know what I decide to do.
I miss zumba class... whenst in zumba, I can cardio for the full hour (interval style) when I am cardio-ing by myself, I can barely get through 15 minutes.. I like the class atmosphere, I like the loud music, I like the dancing part! (When I dance in the gym people ask me to leave)
I am not super crazy over the Latin side, it's not my favorite genre, and my knees really don't like that dancing style. So why zumba? Well until someone else comes up with a huge dancing-cardio craze involving hip-hop, techno, and punk rock, I will have to stick with Zumba.
I have heard many many people talk about how they cannot dance.
I cannot dance.
I have zero rhythm. I do not understand flow. Or movement.
I do love zumba.
Just go do it. Just try it! Twice. Try it twice. It took me 2 times to really like it.
I will try harder to get out to a zumba class at the gym, and I will let you know how much I loved it. (or how much the instructor sucks...)
If not zumba, try Yoga. Try Aqua Size. Try Fuse-ball! Just try something!
Let's Don Johnson and Joanne McLeod this thing!
Get out there and get moving!
Okay I know I said I'd talk about body image again, and haven't, but I will soon. I promise. It's important. and it angers me.
Peace out
Today was another typical day, warm up on the treader. 7 minutes of full running though! That is an improvement over the 5 minutes with some walking thrown in!
Today was an ab-aber day! I sat up and laid back down so many times. My favorite part was the laying down. My least favorite was when I made myself do scissor-y things.... If you don't know what that is:
You lay on your back (yay!!) and you put your legs out in front of you (where else would they go? folded under you like a pretzel?? No.) and you lift your legs off the ground just as much as you have to, like the closer to the ground your legs can be the hotter you are going to get! I lift my legs fairly high usually, today I was able to hold them a bit lower! Yay, personal improvement #2!
Anyway, once your legs are off the ground, you cross them back and forth, right over left, left over right, looking like scissors. They suck.
And I suck for making myself do them :( Twice!!!
I don't hate ALL ab exercises, I just hate how they hurt...
I did bicycles, and heel touches, and planks of all kinds.
For abs, the half hour almost isn't enough, I will need to give myself more time next time. But that sounds less fun, and more hurty... so maybe I will just add a quick 5 minute ab sess. onto my daily workout? I don't know, I will think about it, and don't you worry! I will for sure let you know what I decide to do.
I miss zumba class... whenst in zumba, I can cardio for the full hour (interval style) when I am cardio-ing by myself, I can barely get through 15 minutes.. I like the class atmosphere, I like the loud music, I like the dancing part! (When I dance in the gym people ask me to leave)
I am not super crazy over the Latin side, it's not my favorite genre, and my knees really don't like that dancing style. So why zumba? Well until someone else comes up with a huge dancing-cardio craze involving hip-hop, techno, and punk rock, I will have to stick with Zumba.
I have heard many many people talk about how they cannot dance.
I cannot dance.
I have zero rhythm. I do not understand flow. Or movement.
I do love zumba.
Just go do it. Just try it! Twice. Try it twice. It took me 2 times to really like it.
I will try harder to get out to a zumba class at the gym, and I will let you know how much I loved it. (or how much the instructor sucks...)
If not zumba, try Yoga. Try Aqua Size. Try Fuse-ball! Just try something!
Let's Don Johnson and Joanne McLeod this thing!
Get out there and get moving!
Okay I know I said I'd talk about body image again, and haven't, but I will soon. I promise. It's important. and it angers me.
Peace out
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Dear Diary:
Tuesday Nov. 24
It was another snowy day today.
But that didn't stop me!
I put on some big mittens, and big boots, and drove through the 10'' of snow! Just kidding it was like 1 cm...
I was late this morning, which just made my workout need to be a bit quicker, I just warmed up 5 mins, and did the leg machines. 30 reps each machine though! that's 10 more than I have been doing!
I used my cool down time to do some squats, because today was leg day, and I really want to tone all I can, and didn't want to miss out on squats because I spent extra time on machines!
I try not to be vein whilst working out, but I do enjoy cute workout clothes. and I judge those who wear ugly clothes, or the same thing every time. You know who you are. Why do they have to be so expensive? and why are they everywhere?
I have come to realize that the cuteness of your outfit does not a better athlete make.
But I wish it did. I wish you could accumulate cuteness points and exchange them for a calorie free danish, or an extra hour sleep.
THAT would motivate me to but those outfits that clog my inbox/news feed/ all ads ever...
I am tired again this afternoon. I need to figure that part out and change up. I don't like the 3 PM exhaustion... I want to make improvements and I feel I am struggling with this one.
That is/was all for Tuesday, so I stopped there and didn't post. I continue here...
Wednesday Nov. 25
Here we are once again.
Apparently sleeping in is the new "in" thing. Cuz I did it again today.
I even debated staying in bed. But once I convinced myself the extra 45 mins of sleep really wasn't worth it, I headed to the gym ("guy-m").
I ran for a little bit-le, then stretched, then biked all the way to China! Or so it felt like... the machine said I burned 40 calories, and that was enough for absolutely nothing at Tim's but I quit anyway.
I went a rowed. I rowed all the way to China! at least that one is even plausable... where you can't really bike to China... at least not from Canada... I mean, you can bike to China from like Nepal or Mongolia... provided you had the proper documentation... ANYWAY
I rowed my fake boat all the way to China to find ya. But you said you had to get your laundry clean!
I am getting off topic again.
Rowing over. back on the runner. Ran for another 5, and stretched it all out!
Nothing overly exciting seems to happen down in the WOR (Women's Only Room) but there were a few more people than usual coming down when I was leaving! That is a good sign - staying/getting / trying to be healthy is always a good thing. And I always support trying. Even if it means having to get off my couch (sad face)
HOWEVER - these two older ladies, like in their 50s? late 50s? 60s? I didn't ask. Anyway, two of them came in together, and I don't think anyone at the club gave them a tour before hand! they came in to the WOR with their jackets and bags and didn't seem to have any idea where to put them or where to change! That was entertaining.
Yes I did consider saying something. But I couldn't figure out how to word it without coming across as totally snooty!
I didn't want to discourage these ladies! So I didn't say anything, but I do hope they ask a worker (like someone who works at GoodLife, not just some random person employed in the workforce... although I bet if they did just ask anyone, they could probably assume there is a change room, and tell these ladies to look for a change room....... or ask a worker where the change room is....) my other thought is maybe they just don't have a lock? I should consider all possibilities before just judging... but I won't. I am just going to say I giggled a little.
Looking back I should have said something.
But how? That will haunt me for at least another 2 minutes.
Maybe they will be back tomorrow!? and I can offer advice and guidance. After all I am a seasoned athlete down here in the WOR. I will tell them to avoid those $ store lock and key locks though, not to worry.
Okay well this brings us to 4 PM now, and I was feeling the 3 PM tireds, so I made a coffee, and yes I do feel much more alert. Would a tea have done the same? Probably, I just chose coffee. Not because I need it, because I love it. (It loves me too don't worry)
This is me, signing off. I will strive to hit the gym (guy-m) again tomorrow, and I will strive to tell you about it once again.
And I will strive to not be late. I will strive to take more stairs (today 2 flights with my bag winded me, and my shoulder was killing me - still zero progress on the stairs! Insert another sad face here)
Adios mis amigos.
tu amiga, Naomia.
Tuesday Nov. 24
It was another snowy day today.
But that didn't stop me!
I put on some big mittens, and big boots, and drove through the 10'' of snow! Just kidding it was like 1 cm...
I was late this morning, which just made my workout need to be a bit quicker, I just warmed up 5 mins, and did the leg machines. 30 reps each machine though! that's 10 more than I have been doing!
I used my cool down time to do some squats, because today was leg day, and I really want to tone all I can, and didn't want to miss out on squats because I spent extra time on machines!
I try not to be vein whilst working out, but I do enjoy cute workout clothes. and I judge those who wear ugly clothes, or the same thing every time. You know who you are. Why do they have to be so expensive? and why are they everywhere?
I have come to realize that the cuteness of your outfit does not a better athlete make.
But I wish it did. I wish you could accumulate cuteness points and exchange them for a calorie free danish, or an extra hour sleep.
THAT would motivate me to but those outfits that clog my inbox/news feed/ all ads ever...
I am tired again this afternoon. I need to figure that part out and change up. I don't like the 3 PM exhaustion... I want to make improvements and I feel I am struggling with this one.
That is/was all for Tuesday, so I stopped there and didn't post. I continue here...
Wednesday Nov. 25
Here we are once again.
Apparently sleeping in is the new "in" thing. Cuz I did it again today.
I even debated staying in bed. But once I convinced myself the extra 45 mins of sleep really wasn't worth it, I headed to the gym ("guy-m").
I ran for a little bit-le, then stretched, then biked all the way to China! Or so it felt like... the machine said I burned 40 calories, and that was enough for absolutely nothing at Tim's but I quit anyway.
I went a rowed. I rowed all the way to China! at least that one is even plausable... where you can't really bike to China... at least not from Canada... I mean, you can bike to China from like Nepal or Mongolia... provided you had the proper documentation... ANYWAY
I rowed my fake boat all the way to China to find ya. But you said you had to get your laundry clean!
I am getting off topic again.
Rowing over. back on the runner. Ran for another 5, and stretched it all out!
Nothing overly exciting seems to happen down in the WOR (Women's Only Room) but there were a few more people than usual coming down when I was leaving! That is a good sign - staying/getting / trying to be healthy is always a good thing. And I always support trying. Even if it means having to get off my couch (sad face)
HOWEVER - these two older ladies, like in their 50s? late 50s? 60s? I didn't ask. Anyway, two of them came in together, and I don't think anyone at the club gave them a tour before hand! they came in to the WOR with their jackets and bags and didn't seem to have any idea where to put them or where to change! That was entertaining.
Yes I did consider saying something. But I couldn't figure out how to word it without coming across as totally snooty!
I didn't want to discourage these ladies! So I didn't say anything, but I do hope they ask a worker (like someone who works at GoodLife, not just some random person employed in the workforce... although I bet if they did just ask anyone, they could probably assume there is a change room, and tell these ladies to look for a change room....... or ask a worker where the change room is....) my other thought is maybe they just don't have a lock? I should consider all possibilities before just judging... but I won't. I am just going to say I giggled a little.
Looking back I should have said something.
But how? That will haunt me for at least another 2 minutes.
Maybe they will be back tomorrow!? and I can offer advice and guidance. After all I am a seasoned athlete down here in the WOR. I will tell them to avoid those $ store lock and key locks though, not to worry.
Okay well this brings us to 4 PM now, and I was feeling the 3 PM tireds, so I made a coffee, and yes I do feel much more alert. Would a tea have done the same? Probably, I just chose coffee. Not because I need it, because I love it. (It loves me too don't worry)
This is me, signing off. I will strive to hit the gym (guy-m) again tomorrow, and I will strive to tell you about it once again.
And I will strive to not be late. I will strive to take more stairs (today 2 flights with my bag winded me, and my shoulder was killing me - still zero progress on the stairs! Insert another sad face here)
Adios mis amigos.
tu amiga, Naomia.
Monday, 23 November 2015
Machine Mondays
Hello loyal readers!
Thanks for joining me once again on my detailed journey of sweat, [exercise] equipment discovery, and random observations.
Today was a day just like any other. I forced myself out of bed... for once I was a little appreciative of my SO for snoring like a beast. Helped motivate me to leave the blankets.
I was the only one in the Women's Only for the first 45 mins! Which is overly exciting because I enjoy dancing when an extra wonderful song comes on my playlist. And no one wants to see that.
Except for me. and since I was alone, I danced in front of the mirror for a bit!
Today was arm day. Because I 'accidentally' missed Friday.
I used the few machines for arms and upper body, then went to the free weights. Some exercises are getting easier, and I have even increased weight in a few! Which really makes me happy (of course the girls who are on some sort of team come in every day around 5:30 - 5:45 and totally show me up, but they have team jerseys, so they are intense).
I didn't get to watch any sports highlights, so when I was doing my cool-down I felt unmotivated and just walked the 5 mins... Which I'm not ashamed of, I just like to sweat when I work out.
That's pretty much all I did at the gym today.
I've been pretty sleepy this afternoon, I didn't go to bed early, but I thought I would be fine. I know sleep is fairly important for weight loss, but I wasn't going to skip another day for an extra half hour. I would probably find myself sleepy anyway!
I don't have a song to share with you, sorry, and I didn't take any selfies.
But I do have this eCard
Thanks for joining me once again on my detailed journey of sweat, [exercise] equipment discovery, and random observations.
Today was a day just like any other. I forced myself out of bed... for once I was a little appreciative of my SO for snoring like a beast. Helped motivate me to leave the blankets.
I was the only one in the Women's Only for the first 45 mins! Which is overly exciting because I enjoy dancing when an extra wonderful song comes on my playlist. And no one wants to see that.
Except for me. and since I was alone, I danced in front of the mirror for a bit!
Today was arm day. Because I 'accidentally' missed Friday.
I used the few machines for arms and upper body, then went to the free weights. Some exercises are getting easier, and I have even increased weight in a few! Which really makes me happy (of course the girls who are on some sort of team come in every day around 5:30 - 5:45 and totally show me up, but they have team jerseys, so they are intense).
I didn't get to watch any sports highlights, so when I was doing my cool-down I felt unmotivated and just walked the 5 mins... Which I'm not ashamed of, I just like to sweat when I work out.
That's pretty much all I did at the gym today.
I've been pretty sleepy this afternoon, I didn't go to bed early, but I thought I would be fine. I know sleep is fairly important for weight loss, but I wasn't going to skip another day for an extra half hour. I would probably find myself sleepy anyway!
I don't have a song to share with you, sorry, and I didn't take any selfies.
But I do have this eCard
Have a sweaty day!
- Machine Movin Momma.
Friday, 20 November 2015
La Ay Zee
I didn't even hear my alarm go off this morning.
I have an alarm set to let me know when I should be doing a cool down and stretch, at 5:45 and that was the one that woke me up!
I guess I am skipping the gym today...
At least I will be going curling with a work function right? I probably won't be getting my heart rate up to 160, or sweating much, but at least I'm not sitting in an all-you-can-eat doughnut shop.
I wanted to talk about body image today.
It is such a bitch.
All women I have ever talked to, struggle with it! and it seems to be something that isn't quite as big of a problem with men. Yes some, and a lot, of men do have an issue, I'm not saying that, I am just saying that any man I have ever talked to about it, seems perfectly happy with his body! and every woman I talk to seems to have at least 5 things she doesn't like about her body.
And since I am female, that tends to be where my experiences and expertise lie...
This subject sneaks up on your fat ass and smacks you right in the face while simultaneously stabbing you in the back!
One day I look in the mirror at the gym and think "hey I may actually be making progress here!" and then I get home and rememeber that they put those MF-ing skinny mirrors in the gym to make you think that! and then I get the opposite reaction at home! and I think "woah I may have to start working harder, I need to make sure I'm working out 5 times a week. and I still have a long way to go!"
Now those thoughts aren't exactly negative, and I do have the negative thoughts too, it's just that those aren't supportive thoughts. They mess with my head, and break me down a little.
It's okay to sleep in once a week, or twice, or three times! It's okay to not want to run the last 5 minutes of your treadmill session! It's okay to skip your fitness class even though you paid for it, just because you are tired, or busy, or just don't plain want to go!
It's okay to not beat ourselves up over an imperfection.
I know we never let ourselves think that, and we have to keep reminding ourselves to be nice to ourselves.
We need quotes and support from friends, and read magazines... why? I don;t know why! But we all seem to! It saddens me!
Why can't we just listen to that Special K commercial and let it all go and "just own it" as they say?
Because I don't want to own my thighs, I want someone else's!
Why don't I assume I am just as drop dead gorgeous as my man tells me I am? Because I have eyes and he is apparently blind.
Why do my friends not see that I, and most other women, are jealous of them and would gladly trade our (insert body part here ) for their (insert tradeable body part here) ???
I don't know. I DO know that change takes time. Change is harder to achieve for women, change happens in different ways for everyone. You can't change everything. You can't decide or dictate what will change and when or how!
You CAN change how you look at yourself, how you perceive your journey, and how you talk to yourself, and the way you tell that other voice to go shove it up her fat ass! You can change and decide to start a journey of your own, you can change one small thing at a time (drink more water? go for one walk a week? a month?) any change helps as long as it is helping your mental well being.
You can change the way you look at and judge other women! Even if it's just in your head (please try to keep all judgments of other women in your head. We are already negative enough on ourselves, let's be nice to each other) and yes I am 100% guilty of it. It makes me feel way better about my own ass if I can tear down someone else's. That's just weird. Why does me saying your ass is ugly make mine any hotter? It doesn't. for sure.
And that is my new goal. be nicer to women, be nicer to my ass.
and that is all for today.
Add your thoughts!
I have an alarm set to let me know when I should be doing a cool down and stretch, at 5:45 and that was the one that woke me up!
I guess I am skipping the gym today...
At least I will be going curling with a work function right? I probably won't be getting my heart rate up to 160, or sweating much, but at least I'm not sitting in an all-you-can-eat doughnut shop.
I wanted to talk about body image today.
It is such a bitch.
All women I have ever talked to, struggle with it! and it seems to be something that isn't quite as big of a problem with men. Yes some, and a lot, of men do have an issue, I'm not saying that, I am just saying that any man I have ever talked to about it, seems perfectly happy with his body! and every woman I talk to seems to have at least 5 things she doesn't like about her body.
And since I am female, that tends to be where my experiences and expertise lie...
This subject sneaks up on your fat ass and smacks you right in the face while simultaneously stabbing you in the back!
One day I look in the mirror at the gym and think "hey I may actually be making progress here!" and then I get home and rememeber that they put those MF-ing skinny mirrors in the gym to make you think that! and then I get the opposite reaction at home! and I think "woah I may have to start working harder, I need to make sure I'm working out 5 times a week. and I still have a long way to go!"
Now those thoughts aren't exactly negative, and I do have the negative thoughts too, it's just that those aren't supportive thoughts. They mess with my head, and break me down a little.
It's okay to sleep in once a week, or twice, or three times! It's okay to not want to run the last 5 minutes of your treadmill session! It's okay to skip your fitness class even though you paid for it, just because you are tired, or busy, or just don't plain want to go!
It's okay to not beat ourselves up over an imperfection.
I know we never let ourselves think that, and we have to keep reminding ourselves to be nice to ourselves.
We need quotes and support from friends, and read magazines... why? I don;t know why! But we all seem to! It saddens me!
Why can't we just listen to that Special K commercial and let it all go and "just own it" as they say?
Because I don't want to own my thighs, I want someone else's!
Why don't I assume I am just as drop dead gorgeous as my man tells me I am? Because I have eyes and he is apparently blind.
Why do my friends not see that I, and most other women, are jealous of them and would gladly trade our (insert body part here ) for their (insert tradeable body part here) ???
I don't know. I DO know that change takes time. Change is harder to achieve for women, change happens in different ways for everyone. You can't change everything. You can't decide or dictate what will change and when or how!
You CAN change how you look at yourself, how you perceive your journey, and how you talk to yourself, and the way you tell that other voice to go shove it up her fat ass! You can change and decide to start a journey of your own, you can change one small thing at a time (drink more water? go for one walk a week? a month?) any change helps as long as it is helping your mental well being.
You can change the way you look at and judge other women! Even if it's just in your head (please try to keep all judgments of other women in your head. We are already negative enough on ourselves, let's be nice to each other) and yes I am 100% guilty of it. It makes me feel way better about my own ass if I can tear down someone else's. That's just weird. Why does me saying your ass is ugly make mine any hotter? It doesn't. for sure.
And that is my new goal. be nicer to women, be nicer to my ass.
and that is all for today.
Add your thoughts!
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Wobbly Legs
How are you today?
I walked up all 5 flights with my bags this morning!
Bad idea, but I made it out alive!
I took the elevator the 2 flights upstairs the rest of the day (I went up 3 times), so I'm still not fully grasping the being more physically active concept. But I don't care.
I feel I slept well last night, and it's getting easier to get up at 4:30 which is nice.
I had a moment of sleepiness after lunch today, but I grabbed a tea (white mocha - mmmmm) and I walked around the office a bit, and tiredness gone!
Gym: The incline treadmill lady wasn't there. I'm worried.
I warmed up on the treadmill today - couldn't convince myself to do the stair machine...
Goal: Stair machine one day next week!
I designated today to be leg day. Tomorrow I am going "curling" with the office. I put it in quotations because I doubt I will do any technical curling, it will most likely be more slipping and ass-falling.
Anyway, the "curling" is why I thought I best do leg day today, and not tomorrow!
I most likely won't be able to post tomorrow, because of the curling. But I will try. I don't want to disappoint my fans.
So this one lady, who is at the gym with me quite often, was ahead of me on the machines (aka she would leave one machine and I would go use it a couple minutes later...) anyway, whenever I would go to a machine after her - I had to lower the weight! I couldn't press, crunch, curl, squeeze etc, as much weight as she could! and that made me push myself harder!
Should I compare myself to others? No, should I if it makes me push myself harder? Okay maybe that's fine... as long as I don't push myself to run a marathon or something. I really don't want to do that. They sound like the worst thing since un-sliced bread!
Song of the day:
Elle King "Where The Devil Don't Go"
Quote of the day:
"I'm out'a here suckas" - Naomi
How are you today?
I walked up all 5 flights with my bags this morning!
Bad idea, but I made it out alive!
I took the elevator the 2 flights upstairs the rest of the day (I went up 3 times), so I'm still not fully grasping the being more physically active concept. But I don't care.
I feel I slept well last night, and it's getting easier to get up at 4:30 which is nice.
I had a moment of sleepiness after lunch today, but I grabbed a tea (white mocha - mmmmm) and I walked around the office a bit, and tiredness gone!
Gym: The incline treadmill lady wasn't there. I'm worried.
I warmed up on the treadmill today - couldn't convince myself to do the stair machine...
Goal: Stair machine one day next week!
I designated today to be leg day. Tomorrow I am going "curling" with the office. I put it in quotations because I doubt I will do any technical curling, it will most likely be more slipping and ass-falling.
Anyway, the "curling" is why I thought I best do leg day today, and not tomorrow!
I most likely won't be able to post tomorrow, because of the curling. But I will try. I don't want to disappoint my fans.
So this one lady, who is at the gym with me quite often, was ahead of me on the machines (aka she would leave one machine and I would go use it a couple minutes later...) anyway, whenever I would go to a machine after her - I had to lower the weight! I couldn't press, crunch, curl, squeeze etc, as much weight as she could! and that made me push myself harder!
Should I compare myself to others? No, should I if it makes me push myself harder? Okay maybe that's fine... as long as I don't push myself to run a marathon or something. I really don't want to do that. They sound like the worst thing since un-sliced bread!
Song of the day:
Elle King "Where The Devil Don't Go"
Quote of the day:
"I'm out'a here suckas" - Naomi
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Abs and ABS
It snowed.
I took a picture but it's sideways. So that looks stupid. That's where the ABS comes in, the breaks...
I still went to the gym though! :D
I'm amazing.
I went and I abbed. That's where the abs comes in, I did a sit up.
Oh! and I went on the elliptical! I'm fairly certain that makes me an elliptician.
Except I hated it... I probably won't elipt again.
I warmed up, then did some ab "stuff" then... drum roll...!! I went on the rowing machine!!!
I've talked about it before, but it used to be my favorite machine when I forced to go to the school workout room in high school (everyone had to, it wasn't like special punishment or anything)
and I would always choose the rower. So I've been wanting to try it out!
Today I did :D <-- that's big smile number 2!
Then I abed a bit again, cool down on the treadmill (cuz it's ma fav)
Streeeeeeeeeetch... and done.
Today I feel I have more energy than yesterday! My hypothesis may have some merit.
I almost forgot to make my smoothie - today it tastes like chocolate mango - because there is chocolate and mango in it.
Today I remembered I love this song:
Alabama Shakes "Hold On"
In other news: I forgot my phone in the car, parked on the 6th floor. I work on 11. I ran down the 5 to my car, and then...... I went back UP THE 5!!!!!!!!!!! ya. that's right.
I had to pause on 9, but still.
Goal in sight! I may be able to make it up the 2 flights (between our 2 office levels) without being completely winded!
Okay, that was that.
This is me:
This is goodbye.
I took a picture but it's sideways. So that looks stupid. That's where the ABS comes in, the breaks...
I still went to the gym though! :D
I'm amazing.
I went and I abbed. That's where the abs comes in, I did a sit up.
Oh! and I went on the elliptical! I'm fairly certain that makes me an elliptician.
Except I hated it... I probably won't elipt again.
I warmed up, then did some ab "stuff" then... drum roll...!! I went on the rowing machine!!!
I've talked about it before, but it used to be my favorite machine when I forced to go to the school workout room in high school (everyone had to, it wasn't like special punishment or anything)
and I would always choose the rower. So I've been wanting to try it out!
Today I did :D <-- that's big smile number 2!
Then I abed a bit again, cool down on the treadmill (cuz it's ma fav)
Streeeeeeeeeetch... and done.
Today I feel I have more energy than yesterday! My hypothesis may have some merit.
I almost forgot to make my smoothie - today it tastes like chocolate mango - because there is chocolate and mango in it.
Today I remembered I love this song:
Alabama Shakes "Hold On"
In other news: I forgot my phone in the car, parked on the 6th floor. I work on 11. I ran down the 5 to my car, and then...... I went back UP THE 5!!!!!!!!!!! ya. that's right.
I had to pause on 9, but still.
Goal in sight! I may be able to make it up the 2 flights (between our 2 office levels) without being completely winded!
Okay, that was that.
This is me:
This is goodbye.
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Another Successful day!
I didn't go to the gym this morning - success! Phew. I love sleeping. and not moving. I feel so relaxed and at ease.
Unfortunately I am lying.
And not in a bed like I wish I was.
I am lying about loving the fact that I skipped the gym.
I am not completely thrilled with having missed it...
It makes me feel more alert, more energized, my head clearer, and I feel better about myself.
Today I feel lazy, tired, and like I have to watch what I eat extra careful because I didn't burn any extra calories...
Also I'm cold. i'm not a doctor, or a fitness even novice - I'm at least 1 level below novice. Which isn't a thing... So anyway, I don't know if skipping my morning workout is why I am cold, but it's the only difference in my day so far!!!
So why did I skip? Well Dwayne and I were at a fundraiser and didn't get home until 1:00 AM
That is my excuse. I give it a 3/10 fairly lame. But there it is.
That's my excuse. I just didn't wanna get up after 3.5 hours sleep, so I decided to get 5 hours...
On the days I do work out, I eat 2 breakfasts.
I make a smoothie, with Vega, fruit, chia seeds etc. and I usually eat oatmeal or something too.
If I don't eat that second breakfast I'm famished before supper time!
Today, I am still peckish even though I didn't work out, still ate oatmeal (with nuts and chia and etc) and I had a fairly decent lunch, and snacks, and chocolate....
How do you feel after a workout? Can you go a while before eating? Or do you have to eat right away? Even before you shower? (ew gross)
Do you need a full extra meal, or can you make up for the calories burned with just a small snack?
All the readings I have done give advice on what, when, how, and why you eat after working out, and everyone is different - I just know for myself that is what works. And I am surprised to find myself hungry today, seeing as I didn't move.... at all...
No good stories for today, no pictures, no highlights etc... I will just leave it here, and hope you're still awake!
- Sincerely, The World's Biggest Skittles Fan (Tropical only)
Unfortunately I am lying.
And not in a bed like I wish I was.
I am lying about loving the fact that I skipped the gym.
I am not completely thrilled with having missed it...
It makes me feel more alert, more energized, my head clearer, and I feel better about myself.
Today I feel lazy, tired, and like I have to watch what I eat extra careful because I didn't burn any extra calories...
Also I'm cold. i'm not a doctor, or a fitness even novice - I'm at least 1 level below novice. Which isn't a thing... So anyway, I don't know if skipping my morning workout is why I am cold, but it's the only difference in my day so far!!!
So why did I skip? Well Dwayne and I were at a fundraiser and didn't get home until 1:00 AM
That is my excuse. I give it a 3/10 fairly lame. But there it is.
That's my excuse. I just didn't wanna get up after 3.5 hours sleep, so I decided to get 5 hours...
On the days I do work out, I eat 2 breakfasts.
I make a smoothie, with Vega, fruit, chia seeds etc. and I usually eat oatmeal or something too.
If I don't eat that second breakfast I'm famished before supper time!
Today, I am still peckish even though I didn't work out, still ate oatmeal (with nuts and chia and etc) and I had a fairly decent lunch, and snacks, and chocolate....
How do you feel after a workout? Can you go a while before eating? Or do you have to eat right away? Even before you shower? (ew gross)
Do you need a full extra meal, or can you make up for the calories burned with just a small snack?
All the readings I have done give advice on what, when, how, and why you eat after working out, and everyone is different - I just know for myself that is what works. And I am surprised to find myself hungry today, seeing as I didn't move.... at all...
No good stories for today, no pictures, no highlights etc... I will just leave it here, and hope you're still awake!
- Sincerely, The World's Biggest Skittles Fan (Tropical only)
Monday, 16 November 2015
Another Monday - My Smoothie Tastes Like Chocolate Cake
It is. and it does.
It is Monday. Monday's are getting easier. That is a good thing, I am just not 100% convinced of that yet...
See, if Monday becomes easier, then I have to keep doing them. I enjoy sitting and not doing Mondays. I enjoy sleep. and Netflix.
You know what I noticed? Getting up is hard. Always.
Friday night I was in bed no later than midnight I think (who can remember that far back)
Saturday Morning Alexus was up at 7:44 (that I remember!)
That was hard to get up and put a movie on, and get her breakfast, and go back to sleep.
Then it was still hard to get out of bed at 8:30...
Sunday morning Alexus was in Calgary, bugging Grandma to wake up, I woke up in my own bed on my own (no 4 year old asking if it's morning yet) at 9!
Still hard to get up.
I was in bed at a decent hour last night, and it wasn't as hard as I have found it in previous weeks, to get up at 4:30!
On my way home from the gym, I was less tired than I have been.
That's a good level to reach I say.
I didn't do anything this weekend exercise wise.
I just did a lot of NOT exercising. I sat in a car for 6 hours, I sat in my house, on my couch, in a restaurant, 2 restaurants actually, a few bars, and again on my couch!
I like having rest days. Those days are my fav.
My smoothie tastes like chocolate cake.
Chocolate Vega, half an avocado, half a banana, frozen strawberries, coconut milk (Silk brand not like canned stuff.... so it's fortified with vitamins (vit-ah-mins), flax seeds (ground of course) and chia seeds (not ground of course), and water = chocolate cake smoothie apparently.
I have been eating a spoonful of peanut butter with a half a banana before hitting the gym.
Good idea? bad idea? have better ideas?
Want to share your ideas with me?
I find nothing works better to motivate me. Some people watch the TVs, some people even read, some people listen to podcasts or E-books etc. Me, I need music. and it has to be amazing. Nothing average, or meh. Amazing only.
I have 2 favorite songs right now, Icona Pop "Emergency" check that one out on You Tube!
and Felix Jaehn Feat Jasmine Thompson "Ain't Nobody"
That "Ain't Nobody" song is my top 5 right now. and Top 2 for workouts - obvs
I also took some pics for ya'll.
Pics make things better - visual stumili. You now have audio (and visual) and [just] visual stimuli! big day for the lazy blog!!!
It is Monday. Monday's are getting easier. That is a good thing, I am just not 100% convinced of that yet...
See, if Monday becomes easier, then I have to keep doing them. I enjoy sitting and not doing Mondays. I enjoy sleep. and Netflix.
You know what I noticed? Getting up is hard. Always.
Friday night I was in bed no later than midnight I think (who can remember that far back)
Saturday Morning Alexus was up at 7:44 (that I remember!)
That was hard to get up and put a movie on, and get her breakfast, and go back to sleep.
Then it was still hard to get out of bed at 8:30...
Sunday morning Alexus was in Calgary, bugging Grandma to wake up, I woke up in my own bed on my own (no 4 year old asking if it's morning yet) at 9!
Still hard to get up.
I was in bed at a decent hour last night, and it wasn't as hard as I have found it in previous weeks, to get up at 4:30!
On my way home from the gym, I was less tired than I have been.
That's a good level to reach I say.
I didn't do anything this weekend exercise wise.
I just did a lot of NOT exercising. I sat in a car for 6 hours, I sat in my house, on my couch, in a restaurant, 2 restaurants actually, a few bars, and again on my couch!
I like having rest days. Those days are my fav.
My smoothie tastes like chocolate cake.
Chocolate Vega, half an avocado, half a banana, frozen strawberries, coconut milk (Silk brand not like canned stuff.... so it's fortified with vitamins (vit-ah-mins), flax seeds (ground of course) and chia seeds (not ground of course), and water = chocolate cake smoothie apparently.
I have been eating a spoonful of peanut butter with a half a banana before hitting the gym.
Good idea? bad idea? have better ideas?
Want to share your ideas with me?
I find nothing works better to motivate me. Some people watch the TVs, some people even read, some people listen to podcasts or E-books etc. Me, I need music. and it has to be amazing. Nothing average, or meh. Amazing only.
I have 2 favorite songs right now, Icona Pop "Emergency" check that one out on You Tube!
and Felix Jaehn Feat Jasmine Thompson "Ain't Nobody"
That "Ain't Nobody" song is my top 5 right now. and Top 2 for workouts - obvs
I also took some pics for ya'll.
Pics make things better - visual stumili. You now have audio (and visual) and [just] visual stimuli! big day for the lazy blog!!!
Found in locker 13... Luck 13? Someone left their boobs behind. It is lucky 13! New boobs for Naomi!!!
Here I is ready, or "ready" because I not like ready ready. Just technically I can't stall any further...
This is my after shot, sorry it's blurry, that's what happens when you upload phone pics apparently. And since you can't really see it, I'll just inform you - that is one bulging bicep you are seeing right there.
Update: No progress as of yet on the goal of walking up more flights of stairs, and not getting tired/ out of breath whenst walking flights of stairs.
I am about to walk down 10 flights...
I bid thee a phenomenal day.
Signed: Chocolate Cake In Any Form
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Day Off Does NOT Mean Day Off!!!
Wednesday was a day off of work for I. The gym didn't even open until 7. Perfect excuse! Except you know how many calories excuses burn?
You know how many calories I burn? No I'm asking, because I don't know how to calculate that...
It was pretty busy at noon on Wednesday, not sure if that's normal, or if it was because most people had the day off. But I do know that I wasn't crazy about that. I prefer the few ladies I have come to recognize, and we nod at each other, and don't get in each other's way!
I felt a bit more energized running yesterday, not sure if eating breakfast helped, or the later time... Either way I may never find out, because I don't eat a big breakfast before going at 5 am and I go at 5 am!!!
Yesterday I ran for 10 minutes, then arms day! I did a few dumbbell exercises... it was, you know, good? It wasn't like fun per-say, but it wasn't NOT fun... you know?
There are a few machines that work your arms, so I used those too, then I was going to go to the mat for a few push ups etc but it was full... so I paced and then went to the treadmill, but I just didn't want to tread! I walked a bit, light jogged... walking... please girls get up! I just want to stretch and go home!
Oh my goodness the one girl is just laying on the mat going through her phone! Ahhh!!!
Okay they're gone, 10 push ups, stretch it out. and home. sigh.
I felt a little more tired today. It was a lazy of course, and it felt good, but unused energy, at least for me, makes me even more tired than if I hadn't moved at all, all day!
So I took a short nappy-nap during the 9th run of Smurfs 2.
I really do enjoy doing nothing. Like, a lot. It may be my favorite thing.
I have hours and hours of recorded TV to catch up on, there is so much on Netflix I want to watch! I just want to sit in front of the TV for hours on end and never leave!
and I must admit, working out, makes me feel like I've earned an hour or two of TV.
That and purse skittles are really all the reward I need.
(for those wondering, purse skittles are skittles that fell out of the bag and are now at the bottom of your purse. and have been there for an unknown time. and if you only eat 2-5 at a time, they have no calories).
Thursday, 5 am again.
I chose lucky locker 13 again. Did yesterday too. It's mine now. I don't care about 173 anymore. I just want 13.
The gym plays the 24 CBC news station, and when I walked in the dressing room I head "coming up, why breaking a sweat at the gym, doesn't mean you can break your diet" and I thought "well that sounds like a stupid waste of time story!"
I headed to the Women's only - Bike. Looked up at the many screens and the few I could see were on commercial, watched a music video that did NOT sync with my headphones - that was weird... then I saw the CBC screen (they have close captions, and the bikes are close enough I can actually read the words!)
They were saying how a study shows, that 20 minutes of cardio only burns the equivalent calories of that of a small pumpkin spice latte, or a danish... Now everyone is different, and people work at various paces etc.. so I find with statements like this, you need to take them with a grain of salt...
This I thought was a very odd story. With fairly obvious information... did you know that you can't just eat whatever you want just because you worked out?
I mean, that's my excuse all the time, and it is my mantra, however, I do know how un-true it is!
They were also talking about how people get hungry after they workout... yes.
It is a good idea to put good things into your body.
It is a NOT good idea to put NOT good things into your body.
It is a good idea to be active.
It is not a good idea to transform into a sloth.
So, hey you guys! Get up. Go. NOW! I'm not waiting, but I will tell you to go.
I dare you to challenge me.
I dare you to keep up with me!
- signed lazy bones
You know how many calories I burn? No I'm asking, because I don't know how to calculate that...
It was pretty busy at noon on Wednesday, not sure if that's normal, or if it was because most people had the day off. But I do know that I wasn't crazy about that. I prefer the few ladies I have come to recognize, and we nod at each other, and don't get in each other's way!
I felt a bit more energized running yesterday, not sure if eating breakfast helped, or the later time... Either way I may never find out, because I don't eat a big breakfast before going at 5 am and I go at 5 am!!!
Yesterday I ran for 10 minutes, then arms day! I did a few dumbbell exercises... it was, you know, good? It wasn't like fun per-say, but it wasn't NOT fun... you know?
There are a few machines that work your arms, so I used those too, then I was going to go to the mat for a few push ups etc but it was full... so I paced and then went to the treadmill, but I just didn't want to tread! I walked a bit, light jogged... walking... please girls get up! I just want to stretch and go home!
Oh my goodness the one girl is just laying on the mat going through her phone! Ahhh!!!
Okay they're gone, 10 push ups, stretch it out. and home. sigh.
I felt a little more tired today. It was a lazy of course, and it felt good, but unused energy, at least for me, makes me even more tired than if I hadn't moved at all, all day!
So I took a short nappy-nap during the 9th run of Smurfs 2.
I really do enjoy doing nothing. Like, a lot. It may be my favorite thing.
I have hours and hours of recorded TV to catch up on, there is so much on Netflix I want to watch! I just want to sit in front of the TV for hours on end and never leave!
and I must admit, working out, makes me feel like I've earned an hour or two of TV.
That and purse skittles are really all the reward I need.
(for those wondering, purse skittles are skittles that fell out of the bag and are now at the bottom of your purse. and have been there for an unknown time. and if you only eat 2-5 at a time, they have no calories).
Thursday, 5 am again.
I chose lucky locker 13 again. Did yesterday too. It's mine now. I don't care about 173 anymore. I just want 13.
The gym plays the 24 CBC news station, and when I walked in the dressing room I head "coming up, why breaking a sweat at the gym, doesn't mean you can break your diet" and I thought "well that sounds like a stupid waste of time story!"
I headed to the Women's only - Bike. Looked up at the many screens and the few I could see were on commercial, watched a music video that did NOT sync with my headphones - that was weird... then I saw the CBC screen (they have close captions, and the bikes are close enough I can actually read the words!)
They were saying how a study shows, that 20 minutes of cardio only burns the equivalent calories of that of a small pumpkin spice latte, or a danish... Now everyone is different, and people work at various paces etc.. so I find with statements like this, you need to take them with a grain of salt...
This I thought was a very odd story. With fairly obvious information... did you know that you can't just eat whatever you want just because you worked out?
I mean, that's my excuse all the time, and it is my mantra, however, I do know how un-true it is!
They were also talking about how people get hungry after they workout... yes.
It is a good idea to put good things into your body.
It is a NOT good idea to put NOT good things into your body.
It is a good idea to be active.
It is not a good idea to transform into a sloth.
So, hey you guys! Get up. Go. NOW! I'm not waiting, but I will tell you to go.
I dare you to challenge me.
I dare you to keep up with me!
- signed lazy bones
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Day 5 - Still Hard to Get Up Early!
I got my Vega! maybe I won't be hungry all day today!
And Locker 173 was busy. I jinxed it. But I used lucky 13 instead. Thinking maybe I'd have a lucky workout.
Today I used the machines! Big step! Can't consider that luck though, cuz it was a choice. A self-force...
Did you know they post pictures and instructions on the machines? It's almost as if they want you to succeed. and maybe they don't want to get sued... makes it a bit easier to figure out too. Not luck either, they're always there.
I warmed up on the treadmill, because it's still my favorite, and I'm still too scared to try the elliptical... maybe next time... not using my lucky 13 on the elliptical! I always place my hands on the heart rate monitor when I begin, and again right before I get off, and I have NO idea why, because I know absolutely nothing about heart rate. All I know is that it seems to go up when I move... strange.
Don't forget to wipe down your equipment. It's a good excuse to rest.
I used all the leg machines! just legs today. There are 7 leg machines. I bended, and pushed, and pulled, and squeezed all my leg muscles! Hopefully I don't hurt too bad tomorrow... I don't think I pushed my muscles too hard though. That's not luck. Straight skill!
I cooled down on the treadmill again, because I was running late this morning, so I thought I would literally run late.............
My luck came later, when I made my smoothie. And the scoop and packet of "don't eat this, so why is it IN my FOOD?" were both right at the top of my new protein bucket! and then when I poured my smoothie - perfect amount! Yeah! Thank you 13!!!
I'm finding that I'm not as tired as I used to be. or at least I'm tired in a different way.
I used to come home at 5 and just be physically exhausted. If it weren't for Alexus I probably would just crash on the couch for at least an hour, then maybe make something to eat, then Netflix all evening.... Thank goodness Alexus needs food right away, and I do have responsibilities like 2 sinks full of dishes, and never ending laundry...
These past few weeks I have found myself not feeling that same kind of tired. I have felt more mentally alert, and awake, and just need to work on actually sleeping more because it's my eyes that are tired.
That for me, is an improvement.
I also desire to eat better. I don't necessarily do it all the time. But I feel like I want to.
I just wish I wasn't still constantly winded from walking up 2 flights of stairs at the office! Why do they kill me so?
Do I need to get on the stair machine? I really don't want to do that. It looks so friggen awful.
Tomorrow is a day off work, the gym isn't open the same hours. I'm assuming I will not go. I am not planning to go, but if Dwayne encourages me, the way he is so good at doing, I may just pick up my feet, and go figure out that elliptical! and use the arm machines! Easy Naomi. Maybe I'll just walk on the treadmill.
Going to nap under my desk. Wake me when I can go home.
And Locker 173 was busy. I jinxed it. But I used lucky 13 instead. Thinking maybe I'd have a lucky workout.
Today I used the machines! Big step! Can't consider that luck though, cuz it was a choice. A self-force...
Did you know they post pictures and instructions on the machines? It's almost as if they want you to succeed. and maybe they don't want to get sued... makes it a bit easier to figure out too. Not luck either, they're always there.
I warmed up on the treadmill, because it's still my favorite, and I'm still too scared to try the elliptical... maybe next time... not using my lucky 13 on the elliptical! I always place my hands on the heart rate monitor when I begin, and again right before I get off, and I have NO idea why, because I know absolutely nothing about heart rate. All I know is that it seems to go up when I move... strange.
Don't forget to wipe down your equipment. It's a good excuse to rest.
I used all the leg machines! just legs today. There are 7 leg machines. I bended, and pushed, and pulled, and squeezed all my leg muscles! Hopefully I don't hurt too bad tomorrow... I don't think I pushed my muscles too hard though. That's not luck. Straight skill!
I cooled down on the treadmill again, because I was running late this morning, so I thought I would literally run late.............
My luck came later, when I made my smoothie. And the scoop and packet of "don't eat this, so why is it IN my FOOD?" were both right at the top of my new protein bucket! and then when I poured my smoothie - perfect amount! Yeah! Thank you 13!!!
I'm finding that I'm not as tired as I used to be. or at least I'm tired in a different way.
I used to come home at 5 and just be physically exhausted. If it weren't for Alexus I probably would just crash on the couch for at least an hour, then maybe make something to eat, then Netflix all evening.... Thank goodness Alexus needs food right away, and I do have responsibilities like 2 sinks full of dishes, and never ending laundry...
These past few weeks I have found myself not feeling that same kind of tired. I have felt more mentally alert, and awake, and just need to work on actually sleeping more because it's my eyes that are tired.
That for me, is an improvement.
I also desire to eat better. I don't necessarily do it all the time. But I feel like I want to.
I just wish I wasn't still constantly winded from walking up 2 flights of stairs at the office! Why do they kill me so?
Do I need to get on the stair machine? I really don't want to do that. It looks so friggen awful.
Tomorrow is a day off work, the gym isn't open the same hours. I'm assuming I will not go. I am not planning to go, but if Dwayne encourages me, the way he is so good at doing, I may just pick up my feet, and go figure out that elliptical! and use the arm machines! Easy Naomi. Maybe I'll just walk on the treadmill.
Going to nap under my desk. Wake me when I can go home.
Monday, 9 November 2015
Day... Whatever it's Monday
Today is Monday, and I am sleepy.
Saturday I debated checking out the Zumba class my gym offers - but no.
I decided to do the "10 Minutes for Abs" workout on my DVD. Simply because it is 10 minutes.
It was a hard 10 minutes! She did not break once during that 10 minutes!!! I mean, she did. She got up and walked around and pointed out to me how perfect all of her little athletes are. But I had to stay down and do various crunch types for 10 full minutes!
Have you done a workout DVD of any kind? Do you have a problem with the "extras" they tend to have in them? I know I've touched on this before, but I really really do.
"hey look at ___ (I wasn't listening to her name) she had a baby 3 months ago! and look she's better and more fit, and stronger and hotter than you'll ever be!!!!"
That's not a direct quote... just the part about her having a 3 mo old. But that's how I took it. I screamed at her. (I was home alone).
Glad it was only 10 minutes because I may have thrown the DVD out the window.
That was it for me on the weekend.
Today is Monday.
5ish am.
Apparently I have declared locker #173 as my own. If someone else is using that locker one day, I may just have to turn around and head home...
Incline speed walker lady was there again. But after me, so I am running, and she comes in beside me... I'm not a fan. Tomorrow I choose an end treadmill.
It was the busiest it's been thus far. Too many women who make me think I need to be at their level.
It's not their fault. They don't actually openly mock my abilities, they just can. and I just cannot. There was a girl there who started on the rowing machine, then went and did kettle bell swings, and squats, and then back to the rowing machine! 3 rounds of that!
It's all in my head. and I need to figure out how to stop it.
Who do I need to be "as good as"? No one.
Who do I need to be "better" than? Just the me I was yesterday!
That's it.
I need to start using that as my gym mantra!
That and reminding myself I promised I would take it slow.
I know if I try to take on too much, and expect better/faster results, I will get frustrated and eventually just quit it all again.
This isn't a quest for instant abs, this isn't therapy to learn to walk again! This is just my journey to be the healthiest, happiest me.
I need to stop taking that away from myself... I am telling you this to maybe hold myself a bit accountable. and to remind myself to shut up already!
I Treaded for 15.
Abed for 15.
Biked for 10.
Stretch 5.
Is there anything else you would like me to tell you?
Are you bored?
Maybe my gym fashion will interest you? It won't. It's just pants.
If I read anything interesting, or discover something new, I will let you know.
I do have a very fun playlist going on Spotify right now!
If anyone out there reading this has any "Pump Up Jams" to suggest....
I think I'm the one who is bored...
Maybe tomorrow I will spice things up by not wearing the red string on the treadmill, and see if I can get you a falling off the treadmill story...
PS I wear a top to the gym also...
Saturday I debated checking out the Zumba class my gym offers - but no.
I decided to do the "10 Minutes for Abs" workout on my DVD. Simply because it is 10 minutes.
It was a hard 10 minutes! She did not break once during that 10 minutes!!! I mean, she did. She got up and walked around and pointed out to me how perfect all of her little athletes are. But I had to stay down and do various crunch types for 10 full minutes!
Have you done a workout DVD of any kind? Do you have a problem with the "extras" they tend to have in them? I know I've touched on this before, but I really really do.
"hey look at ___ (I wasn't listening to her name) she had a baby 3 months ago! and look she's better and more fit, and stronger and hotter than you'll ever be!!!!"
That's not a direct quote... just the part about her having a 3 mo old. But that's how I took it. I screamed at her. (I was home alone).
Glad it was only 10 minutes because I may have thrown the DVD out the window.
That was it for me on the weekend.
Today is Monday.
5ish am.
Apparently I have declared locker #173 as my own. If someone else is using that locker one day, I may just have to turn around and head home...
Incline speed walker lady was there again. But after me, so I am running, and she comes in beside me... I'm not a fan. Tomorrow I choose an end treadmill.
It's not their fault. They don't actually openly mock my abilities, they just can. and I just cannot. There was a girl there who started on the rowing machine, then went and did kettle bell swings, and squats, and then back to the rowing machine! 3 rounds of that!
It's all in my head. and I need to figure out how to stop it.
Who do I need to be "as good as"? No one.
Who do I need to be "better" than? Just the me I was yesterday!
That's it.
I need to start using that as my gym mantra!
That and reminding myself I promised I would take it slow.
I know if I try to take on too much, and expect better/faster results, I will get frustrated and eventually just quit it all again.
This isn't a quest for instant abs, this isn't therapy to learn to walk again! This is just my journey to be the healthiest, happiest me.
I need to stop taking that away from myself... I am telling you this to maybe hold myself a bit accountable. and to remind myself to shut up already!
I Treaded for 15.
Abed for 15.
Biked for 10.
Stretch 5.
Is there anything else you would like me to tell you?
Are you bored?
Maybe my gym fashion will interest you? It won't. It's just pants.
If I read anything interesting, or discover something new, I will let you know.
I do have a very fun playlist going on Spotify right now!
If anyone out there reading this has any "Pump Up Jams" to suggest....
I think I'm the one who is bored...
Maybe tomorrow I will spice things up by not wearing the red string on the treadmill, and see if I can get you a falling off the treadmill story...
PS I wear a top to the gym also...
Friday, 6 November 2015
Day 3 - (not 5 like it should be)
Okay, so I got sick on Wednesday...
and was still recovering yesterday.
Waking up early, to move, is hard!
I did it though.
I ran my 2 "laps", stretched, and then did one more "lap" at a bit of a faster pace. I just wanted to warm up with some cardio, and running is my favorite form of cardio.
I chose the treadmill in front of the best TV screen, today. Leaving one treadmill buffer between me and the other lady walking.
TV wasn't good. Why do they have these things? They aren't good enough distractions for me...
Then the same lady that was walking on Monday, and Tuesday, came in. Chose the treadmill right beside me! So if there IS treadmill etiquette she is not aware... and if you read that post from Monday you may remember how I was afraid I might smell? ya. well she smelled. So.... there really needs to be treadmill etiquette. and she needs to learn it.
Also, all she does is walk really fast on this big incline... it's odd to me. But, I am neither a personal trainer, nor her hips. So I won't tell her what to do. (To further explain she just swiggles her hips a LOT... looks rough... ps I don't think swiggles is a real word)
I moved from 'milling (new term) to the weighty-weights. I lifted. I am a girl who lifts. Like those insta and FB hashtags. Except I don't lift very much. I mean I lift my kid, I lift dishes and broom handles, I lift mugs, and mugs, and mugs, of various beverages to my lips. I lift forks, and spoons, and bare hands full of food, to my lips! But I don't lift a lot of dumbbell related weight.
And I don't care if I ever do! Numbers aren't my goal, Remember? (If you don't remember you haven't been keeping up with my bloggies).
So I did some arm workouts I found on pinterest (that's the best place for workout tips/tricks/and ideas right?)
I lifted 5s, 8, and 10s, depending on what muscle group I was working on.
And I know I said numbers don't matter to me, and I know I just listed numbers - but here's why!
I've never lifted 10s before. That is an improvement. And THAT is my goal. To improve. Always.
Which brings me back to what I started to talk about the other day: Goals.
Now like I have said before, I don't have weight goals.
1. I want to be able to walk up at least 2 flights of stairs at work without feeling winded, and needing to sit... or breathe before speaking!
2. I want the benefits of a healthy life style - you know, more energy, healthier immune system, clear-er skin etc.
3. I want to just get fit-er. I want to be able to run my 4 "laps" faster, or with more ease. I want to turn those 4 into more.
4. I want to feel good about what I see. I don't feel bad, I just feel less-good.
That is all for the time being. Just be a better me, better mom, better mom to a daughter, better spouse, better friend.
I'll type at ya'll another day.
PS sorry there are no pictures on this blog - I'm not one to take a selfie, especially at the gym, and I don't think you want to see me sweat anyway! Maybe I will try to get a bit more creative about that, to give you some visual stimulation!
and was still recovering yesterday.
Waking up early, to move, is hard!
I did it though.
I ran my 2 "laps", stretched, and then did one more "lap" at a bit of a faster pace. I just wanted to warm up with some cardio, and running is my favorite form of cardio.
I chose the treadmill in front of the best TV screen, today. Leaving one treadmill buffer between me and the other lady walking.
TV wasn't good. Why do they have these things? They aren't good enough distractions for me...
Then the same lady that was walking on Monday, and Tuesday, came in. Chose the treadmill right beside me! So if there IS treadmill etiquette she is not aware... and if you read that post from Monday you may remember how I was afraid I might smell? ya. well she smelled. So.... there really needs to be treadmill etiquette. and she needs to learn it.
Also, all she does is walk really fast on this big incline... it's odd to me. But, I am neither a personal trainer, nor her hips. So I won't tell her what to do. (To further explain she just swiggles her hips a LOT... looks rough... ps I don't think swiggles is a real word)
I moved from 'milling (new term) to the weighty-weights. I lifted. I am a girl who lifts. Like those insta and FB hashtags. Except I don't lift very much. I mean I lift my kid, I lift dishes and broom handles, I lift mugs, and mugs, and mugs, of various beverages to my lips. I lift forks, and spoons, and bare hands full of food, to my lips! But I don't lift a lot of dumbbell related weight.
And I don't care if I ever do! Numbers aren't my goal, Remember? (If you don't remember you haven't been keeping up with my bloggies).
So I did some arm workouts I found on pinterest (that's the best place for workout tips/tricks/and ideas right?)
I lifted 5s, 8, and 10s, depending on what muscle group I was working on.
And I know I said numbers don't matter to me, and I know I just listed numbers - but here's why!
I've never lifted 10s before. That is an improvement. And THAT is my goal. To improve. Always.
Which brings me back to what I started to talk about the other day: Goals.
Now like I have said before, I don't have weight goals.
1. I want to be able to walk up at least 2 flights of stairs at work without feeling winded, and needing to sit... or breathe before speaking!
2. I want the benefits of a healthy life style - you know, more energy, healthier immune system, clear-er skin etc.
3. I want to just get fit-er. I want to be able to run my 4 "laps" faster, or with more ease. I want to turn those 4 into more.
4. I want to feel good about what I see. I don't feel bad, I just feel less-good.
That is all for the time being. Just be a better me, better mom, better mom to a daughter, better spouse, better friend.
I'll type at ya'll another day.
PS sorry there are no pictures on this blog - I'm not one to take a selfie, especially at the gym, and I don't think you want to see me sweat anyway! Maybe I will try to get a bit more creative about that, to give you some visual stimulation!
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Day 2 - New Lock
Alright, here we are at day 2. Already. That came quickly...
Waking up on time was easier today. Mostly because Alexus woke up at 3:53 to pee... and if you are thinking I stayed up, and got an earlier start, you haven't been paying attention.
I ate toast with peanut butter today though. Cuz some wise woman told me that to build muscle you have to fuel with protein first. The more protein you eat the more muscle you build right? Cuz I ate the whole jar of peanut butter.
I think I'll tell you some of my goals here, with this whole getting fit thing. or fit-er. Cuz I'm not in horrid shape, I'm just in MY worst shape.
And that was really it.
I used to be somewhat active when I was in high school, I mean, I always played soccer but dreaded practices, and would put off the actual running part until I absolutely had to... but in all honesty - I enjoy working out!
I just HATE the thought of it.
Ask me to go for a walk you will 100% get an "ugh" from me. Ew. but I will definitely do it! and I will enjoy it.
Hiking? too much work. I don't wanna go. Stop asking already.
But I will go, and I will love it and never want it to end.
For some unknown reason (I'm sure I could figure it out, but why? too much work) I just can't ever seem to get my head around the start point of a workout.
Okay anyway, I used to be active, then I got less active, then my body stopped growing up, and therefore could only grow out.
I was in the best shape of my life in the summer of 2010 - the summer I got prego-ed. That was a fantastic time/journey/experience blah blah blah, but that's not what we are talking about.
After Alexus I got even more lazy with my exercise routine. But, inactivity only leads to inactivity!
I started missing working out, I started running again in the summer of 2014. Then someone introduced me to Zumba. Jerk.
Dance for an hour? To Latin music?
I'd watch a recording of me doing that! Cuz that would be entertaining as hell!
But no. I'm not doing that.
Okay I did it.
It was awful.
But then I couldn't stop thinking about it, and she went again on Thursday (first class was Sunday), and I didn't go Thursday. and then Sunday came again...
I went Sunday.
I went every Sunday and Thursday from June until October.
I Zumbaed twice a week, ran once a week, and did at home weight-body whatever muscle... you know... stuff 2 times a week.
NOW I was in the best shape of my life.
Then winter of 2014 hit. I tried some Gillian Michaels, but I did less and less of that, more and more of nothing.
Laziness took over again. She really is my best friend. We just get along so well. She doesn't push my to do things, she doesn't have expectations, and we love watching TV together.
Then Summer 2015.... I didn't like what happened... I lost all my work... and I wasn't done! I had progressed, yes, but I wasn't done! and I undid it all, in 6 months.
I think it's safe to say I enjoy the doing of something more than I enjoy the thought of not doing something. Which I enjoy a great deal.
So I started running again. 3 days a week.
Which is easy when the sun starts coming up earlier. and the coldest it is at 5 am is +10.
Then it just keeps getting warmer!
But being lazy is just so easy.
and I knew cardio wasn't enough, but I didn't have free weights, and that was a very good excuse to sleep in!
I tried Beach Body. A quick workout, with and instructor telling me what to do, and instructor who is not Gillian.
Again, I didn't have free weights. and some of those workouts require free weights. Not require, as in, if you don't have the weights What's Her Bucket is going to come through your TV and beat you with her dumbbells type required. But required as in, you get the best out of it if you DO have weights.
A perfect excuse to not workout that day.
And then there come like 20 more excuses.
We went to Cape Breton. You know how you eat on vacation? I don't, but I know how I eat on vacation. and it's not good.
I knew I wasn't losing weight, but I had no idea where I was at.
Until we were leaving. And the in-laws got out the scale to weigh the suitcases.
Everyone got on. Everyone except the MIL. Because she has a brain in her head.
My curiosity took over. and I stepped on. Biggest mistake I have ever made.
Numbers have never mattered to me, I still don't care about the number the scale says, I just know what it represents. I know that if the number is higher, I am not in as good of shape as I used to be.
And this number was higher than it had EVER been. (not counting pregnancy! geeze that so does't count - I gained 59 lbs during those 9 ish months for those of you who are curious)
But not including pregancy, Summer 2015 was the heaviest I have EVER been. (No I am not sharing my number, it is my number, and it matters not, it is not for you to be jealous of, for you to judge me by, or for you to use at a crutch - aka I don't have to start working out yet I'm not that heavy - everyone is different. This is just my story).
So that brings us here. To this journey and this blog.
This was my wall. My enough. There was just no way I could stand by and watch everything I had never wanted overtake my life.
I couldn't let it become more about my deepest desires to do nothing, and less about my secret love of exercising.
It's only day 2. This isn't my first marathon or anything. Not that I think I will ever run a marathon. I don't want to do that.
These haven't really been goals, more like back story - but I felt it was necessary to start somewhere, in order to know where I am, and why I'm here.
Why I'm here on this journey, and here on this blog, not here as in Earth. I don't have THAT big of a complex!
Although just for the record, I am a God sent angel of pure wonderment.
To cap my workout - just to justify my actions to anyone reading, and just in case you came here for motivation, or to check up on me...
Today I warmed up on the stationary bike.
That was entertaining as just like yesterday with the treadmill, I have NEVER been on a stationary bike before! so I get on, today I chose the bike in front of the TV that had a cute puppy on the show - aww! and the display on the bike lights up.
Now maybe something else you need to know about me, as much as I hate the idea of movement, I hate reading. So when those words scrolled across the tiny bike screen I read "blah-blah-blah whatever I'll figure it out" well, I started "biking" and then it just stopped.... turns out I maybe should have read the screen...
Oh well, I just started it up again! and 5 minutes later I was warm! Well, warm enough, that show with the cute puppy was just a commercial, and the real show wasn't interesting. and I had nothing to distract me any further. So I walked over to the machines.
Remember I have never worked out at a gym before. This should be good.
I look at the pictures of the silhouette of a body, and the muscle groups this machine works, nah, I don't feel like that muscle is for me. Next machine.
This one is on the outside of the cluster of machines, and there are a few ladies in this room today, I can't be seen.
Next machine.
Oooh this one has a chair! I can sit and workout?!?!! deal. I'll try this one.
Okay I know enough to move the pin, but what weight do I want? 11 lbs? maybe just the 5 to start (this is like a back of the legs-working machine)
5 is a bit light. back to 11.
How many reps should I do?
Day 1 of weights... I'll do 10.
Okay 10! ha! NEXT!
Front of the legs machine. Start at 11 lbs this time. Done. 10. BOOM! Legs of steel! Come at me Clark Kent!
Okay, now what? Can I go home yet?
Free weights. My old friends, I know how to lift those! (up and down, FYI.)
They don't have 3s? Why? do feeble people not workout here? Guess not. 5s it is. I better start easy.
Squats with weights. Easy. 10. and done. I don't need 3s! Silly Naomi.
Arm raises - not as easy. But I do my 10.
Now 8 lbs to sumo squat, arm curls, and backwards arm lifty things. I don't know what they are called, nor do I know the muscle they work, one of the ones in your arms, and I did 10 of them.
10 lbs to do behind the head two handed lifts (I know that's not what they are called technically. It is now). 10 of those.
I did some weight-free leg lifts. (Not completely weight free, I wasn't in 0 gravity or something. I mean no weights on my ankles, or no weights strapped to my legs... ya know?)
I ran out of ideas, and so I headed to the treadmill for an interval of 5 mins of running.
On to abs. regular sit ups. reverse crunches. bicycles. feeling the burn.
I'm done.
Walk on the treadmill for 2 mins.
Locker room.
No surprises today. The lock opened. I went home.
The only thing I can tell you is I recommend blending your smoothie before pouring your pre-portioned bags into your cup.
That is all for today!
I'm expecting to be pretty sore tomorrow. Looking forward to
Here's to day 2!
Waking up on time was easier today. Mostly because Alexus woke up at 3:53 to pee... and if you are thinking I stayed up, and got an earlier start, you haven't been paying attention.
I ate toast with peanut butter today though. Cuz some wise woman told me that to build muscle you have to fuel with protein first. The more protein you eat the more muscle you build right? Cuz I ate the whole jar of peanut butter.
I think I'll tell you some of my goals here, with this whole getting fit thing. or fit-er. Cuz I'm not in horrid shape, I'm just in MY worst shape.
And that was really it.
I used to be somewhat active when I was in high school, I mean, I always played soccer but dreaded practices, and would put off the actual running part until I absolutely had to... but in all honesty - I enjoy working out!
I just HATE the thought of it.
Ask me to go for a walk you will 100% get an "ugh" from me. Ew. but I will definitely do it! and I will enjoy it.
Hiking? too much work. I don't wanna go. Stop asking already.
But I will go, and I will love it and never want it to end.
For some unknown reason (I'm sure I could figure it out, but why? too much work) I just can't ever seem to get my head around the start point of a workout.
Okay anyway, I used to be active, then I got less active, then my body stopped growing up, and therefore could only grow out.
I was in the best shape of my life in the summer of 2010 - the summer I got prego-ed. That was a fantastic time/journey/experience blah blah blah, but that's not what we are talking about.
After Alexus I got even more lazy with my exercise routine. But, inactivity only leads to inactivity!
I started missing working out, I started running again in the summer of 2014. Then someone introduced me to Zumba. Jerk.
Dance for an hour? To Latin music?
I'd watch a recording of me doing that! Cuz that would be entertaining as hell!
But no. I'm not doing that.
Okay I did it.
It was awful.
But then I couldn't stop thinking about it, and she went again on Thursday (first class was Sunday), and I didn't go Thursday. and then Sunday came again...
I went Sunday.
I went every Sunday and Thursday from June until October.
I Zumbaed twice a week, ran once a week, and did at home weight-body whatever muscle... you know... stuff 2 times a week.
NOW I was in the best shape of my life.
Then winter of 2014 hit. I tried some Gillian Michaels, but I did less and less of that, more and more of nothing.
Laziness took over again. She really is my best friend. We just get along so well. She doesn't push my to do things, she doesn't have expectations, and we love watching TV together.
Then Summer 2015.... I didn't like what happened... I lost all my work... and I wasn't done! I had progressed, yes, but I wasn't done! and I undid it all, in 6 months.
I think it's safe to say I enjoy the doing of something more than I enjoy the thought of not doing something. Which I enjoy a great deal.
So I started running again. 3 days a week.
Which is easy when the sun starts coming up earlier. and the coldest it is at 5 am is +10.
Then it just keeps getting warmer!
But being lazy is just so easy.
and I knew cardio wasn't enough, but I didn't have free weights, and that was a very good excuse to sleep in!
I tried Beach Body. A quick workout, with and instructor telling me what to do, and instructor who is not Gillian.
Again, I didn't have free weights. and some of those workouts require free weights. Not require, as in, if you don't have the weights What's Her Bucket is going to come through your TV and beat you with her dumbbells type required. But required as in, you get the best out of it if you DO have weights.
A perfect excuse to not workout that day.
And then there come like 20 more excuses.
We went to Cape Breton. You know how you eat on vacation? I don't, but I know how I eat on vacation. and it's not good.
I knew I wasn't losing weight, but I had no idea where I was at.
Until we were leaving. And the in-laws got out the scale to weigh the suitcases.
Everyone got on. Everyone except the MIL. Because she has a brain in her head.
My curiosity took over. and I stepped on. Biggest mistake I have ever made.
Numbers have never mattered to me, I still don't care about the number the scale says, I just know what it represents. I know that if the number is higher, I am not in as good of shape as I used to be.
And this number was higher than it had EVER been. (not counting pregnancy! geeze that so does't count - I gained 59 lbs during those 9 ish months for those of you who are curious)
But not including pregancy, Summer 2015 was the heaviest I have EVER been. (No I am not sharing my number, it is my number, and it matters not, it is not for you to be jealous of, for you to judge me by, or for you to use at a crutch - aka I don't have to start working out yet I'm not that heavy - everyone is different. This is just my story).
So that brings us here. To this journey and this blog.
This was my wall. My enough. There was just no way I could stand by and watch everything I had never wanted overtake my life.
I couldn't let it become more about my deepest desires to do nothing, and less about my secret love of exercising.
It's only day 2. This isn't my first marathon or anything. Not that I think I will ever run a marathon. I don't want to do that.
These haven't really been goals, more like back story - but I felt it was necessary to start somewhere, in order to know where I am, and why I'm here.
Why I'm here on this journey, and here on this blog, not here as in Earth. I don't have THAT big of a complex!
Although just for the record, I am a God sent angel of pure wonderment.
To cap my workout - just to justify my actions to anyone reading, and just in case you came here for motivation, or to check up on me...
Today I warmed up on the stationary bike.
That was entertaining as just like yesterday with the treadmill, I have NEVER been on a stationary bike before! so I get on, today I chose the bike in front of the TV that had a cute puppy on the show - aww! and the display on the bike lights up.
Now maybe something else you need to know about me, as much as I hate the idea of movement, I hate reading. So when those words scrolled across the tiny bike screen I read "blah-blah-blah whatever I'll figure it out" well, I started "biking" and then it just stopped.... turns out I maybe should have read the screen...
Oh well, I just started it up again! and 5 minutes later I was warm! Well, warm enough, that show with the cute puppy was just a commercial, and the real show wasn't interesting. and I had nothing to distract me any further. So I walked over to the machines.
Remember I have never worked out at a gym before. This should be good.
I look at the pictures of the silhouette of a body, and the muscle groups this machine works, nah, I don't feel like that muscle is for me. Next machine.
This one is on the outside of the cluster of machines, and there are a few ladies in this room today, I can't be seen.
Next machine.
Oooh this one has a chair! I can sit and workout?!?!! deal. I'll try this one.
Okay I know enough to move the pin, but what weight do I want? 11 lbs? maybe just the 5 to start (this is like a back of the legs-working machine)
5 is a bit light. back to 11.
How many reps should I do?
Day 1 of weights... I'll do 10.
Okay 10! ha! NEXT!
Front of the legs machine. Start at 11 lbs this time. Done. 10. BOOM! Legs of steel! Come at me Clark Kent!
Okay, now what? Can I go home yet?
Free weights. My old friends, I know how to lift those! (up and down, FYI.)
They don't have 3s? Why? do feeble people not workout here? Guess not. 5s it is. I better start easy.
Squats with weights. Easy. 10. and done. I don't need 3s! Silly Naomi.
Arm raises - not as easy. But I do my 10.
Now 8 lbs to sumo squat, arm curls, and backwards arm lifty things. I don't know what they are called, nor do I know the muscle they work, one of the ones in your arms, and I did 10 of them.
10 lbs to do behind the head two handed lifts (I know that's not what they are called technically. It is now). 10 of those.
I did some weight-free leg lifts. (Not completely weight free, I wasn't in 0 gravity or something. I mean no weights on my ankles, or no weights strapped to my legs... ya know?)
I ran out of ideas, and so I headed to the treadmill for an interval of 5 mins of running.
On to abs. regular sit ups. reverse crunches. bicycles. feeling the burn.
I'm done.
Walk on the treadmill for 2 mins.
Locker room.
No surprises today. The lock opened. I went home.
The only thing I can tell you is I recommend blending your smoothie before pouring your pre-portioned bags into your cup.
That is all for today!
I'm expecting to be pretty sore tomorrow. Looking forward to
Here's to day 2!
Monday, 2 November 2015
Day 1 - The First Blog Post. The First Gym Visit. The First of Many (Hopefully, that's the plan anyway... just wait and see)
Okay. So let's do this?
I decided I wanted to talk my way through my newest endeavor. What is the best way to make people listen to you? Start making a toast at family dinner, and then make it all about you - and just go!
If that isn't your style, or if they start throwing dinner rolls at you, maybe try a blog?
Maybe this is the way to tell my story, for me, because that's my most important audience... and maybe someone else will read it? Maybe someone will think "hey, that's not a bad blog" or maybe someone will think "hey, she's odd, but this is free and I'm bored, so I'll keep reading it" either way, I'll have my audience.
I have thought about starting this a few times, on a few occasions, and in a few ways. There's always an excuse. Just like there is always an excuse to NOT work out. There is always and excuse to not start something new. As of today, I have run out of excuses.
I have tried everything, all the excuses "it's too early" "I can't jump around on the floors at 5am" "it's too dark, I don't want to get eaten by coyotes" you know, everything.
Today I ran out of excuses (pun intended - I ran on the treadmill today)
I have tried a few things thus far on my own ( I mean I was alone at the gym, well not like alone alone there were a few people there - or that would be really creepy - zombie Apocalypse creepy!)
Anyway, I have tried Jillian Michaels. (Her talking isn't for me. And what is with those perfect people? "So-and-so will be doing the modifier, so for beginners keep your eyes on her" she's no beginner! she is a 100% expert! She is probably being paid more than the "expert level" girl because she is TOO hard core! and doesn't want to be just the modifier girl!)
Again, off track. (pun again - treadmills are not tracks.)
I tried a Beach Body program. Did you know that if you don't see those results in the 6 weeks promised it can really do some damage mentally? Did you know that you actually have to work out during those 6 weeks?
Ya, it's crazy. And it turns out, that's not so much for me either.
I do enjoy those workouts, to a degree. I tend to be a little hard on myself if I can't keep up, and I need the group motivation to push myself. and no not the group ON the dvd itself! Again, experts. Those people literally work out for a living.
I do appreciate the water bottle they give you though.
Anyway, this is a lot of reading for you, I hope you prepared yourself. Do you need a little break? Go grab a snack (probably should be fruit, this is a "getting fit-er" blog after all. and don't go grab those little packets of swedish fish you have left over from trick-or-treaters Saturday night, like I am)
Okay, so on to today.
I decided if I was actually going to work out, more than once a week, more than an hour, once a week, it had to be at a gym.
I signed up. First step. Big step.
Then I made myself get up at 4:30 am on a Monday morning. Actually I slept in and woke up at 4:50, the time I was planning on leaving the house... but that is so far from the point! Get off my case!
Okay, so I get dressed and grab my bag, and leave my house at 5:04 - the gym is like 3 driving minutes away...
5:08 really long red light..................
5:12 in. in the locker room - is there locker etiquette? Since I'm new am I supposed to go to the back of the room? Is the front reserved for the fit, cool kids who comes 6 times a day? Or is the back where the cool kids hang out, and I should be at the front? Okay Naomi, just pick a locker.
Okay wait, but is there actual LOCKER etiquette? Like bathroom stall etiquette? am I supposed to leave an empty locker between me and the lockers with locks on them already?
Stop stalling, it's a locker. Put your stuff in it and get to the actual workout!
5:15 bag in locker, key in pocket, water bottle in hand, earphones in, playlist ready.
5:15 and a half - heading to the Women's Only room. The upstairs treadmills were all empty. Do I want my first day to be in front of the HUGE front windows? and be the only one on a treadmill? 100% no. Plus maybe there won't be anyone downstairs!
5:15 and more... I can hear someone.
it's still 5:15 I'm just doing the time thing to be dramatic - one lady in this room. On a treadmill, she is on a pretty steep incline... and walking at a pretty brisk pace! Glad she's the only one in here showing me up! Okay, here we are again at etiquette dilemma! How many treadmills do I leave between her and the one I choose? If I go to the end of the row (there are only 5, relax.) will she think she's too sweaty and smelly and I don't want to be beside her? Will I give her a complex? What if I choose a treadmill too close and she IS too smelly and sweaty? I can't run on one for 3 minutes, and then move further away!!! Okay. End of the line it is.
5:16 Putting the strap thingy on my shirt. I know no one is here with a smart phone filming me, but I refuse to be the girl who passed out and then had to go around for 2 weeks with treadmill burns on her cheek because I refused to look foolish wearing the rope!!!
5:17 How does a treadmill work?
5:18 Okay I got it.
5:something... as if I can watch the clock and run! also it's an analog clock and I'd have to count like a 6 year old.... okay so here I am. running.
pace good, feels good, leg cramping a bit. I'll stop and stretch after 2 laps.
okay. so this gym is nice! but staring at the mostly drawn blinds is a bit boring...
There are a few TVs going, I can see one, it's on a sports channel. Why? because I work out I must love all sports? Or is it to motivate me? I must be an athlete like these people! Not.
Oh that other TV is on the Food Network! hahaha that's like polar opposites! it's like, hey fatty, you're working out, not eating pastries like these. and no you may not have one on your way home from the gym. Or maybe it's supposed to teach you how to cook healthy meals? Then why is there a baking show on? Oh wait, is that sushi? k wait, it doesn't matter.
I'm hungry.
5:30 (could have been, I really don't know) 2 laps done (that's what the treadmill says, I'm sure somewhere on there it also said time, and distance in km but I did not see that... I was just watching that little dot move very slowly around that rectangle...) okay time to pause and stretch.
ahhhhh. feels better. and I like this song. Get back on the treadmill!
Oh "pause" didn't pause.... okay start over. 2 more laps to go!
This set went by much faster, I found it easier, and I felt more motivated!
Done, and time to stretch it all out!
Oh. I like this song!!! We had a routine in Zumba! I'm just going to do some leg lifts and squats to this song, then more stretching....
That felt great! Now to the locker room! I'm amazing I can achieve great things!!!
5:45 Okay lesson time: If you buy a dollar store pad lock, and then take said lock and key to the public pool for 3 years, and then take said pack lock and key to the gym - you will have to ask the gym for lock cutters.
5:50 these things are heavy and I am having trouble. TV has failed me again. this is much harder than I ever thought. Maybe being a CSI isn't all glamour either? Maybe being a doctor isn't saying medical terms and being pretty? and then going for walks in Chicago snow falls with George Clooney? Maybe?
6:00 okay I'm home. Whatever. New lock tomorrow. Best shower.
Type more at ya tomorrow?
Feed back welcome :)
I decided I wanted to talk my way through my newest endeavor. What is the best way to make people listen to you? Start making a toast at family dinner, and then make it all about you - and just go!
If that isn't your style, or if they start throwing dinner rolls at you, maybe try a blog?
Maybe this is the way to tell my story, for me, because that's my most important audience... and maybe someone else will read it? Maybe someone will think "hey, that's not a bad blog" or maybe someone will think "hey, she's odd, but this is free and I'm bored, so I'll keep reading it" either way, I'll have my audience.
I have thought about starting this a few times, on a few occasions, and in a few ways. There's always an excuse. Just like there is always an excuse to NOT work out. There is always and excuse to not start something new. As of today, I have run out of excuses.
I have tried everything, all the excuses "it's too early" "I can't jump around on the floors at 5am" "it's too dark, I don't want to get eaten by coyotes" you know, everything.
Today I ran out of excuses (pun intended - I ran on the treadmill today)
I have tried a few things thus far on my own ( I mean I was alone at the gym, well not like alone alone there were a few people there - or that would be really creepy - zombie Apocalypse creepy!)
Anyway, I have tried Jillian Michaels. (Her talking isn't for me. And what is with those perfect people? "So-and-so will be doing the modifier, so for beginners keep your eyes on her" she's no beginner! she is a 100% expert! She is probably being paid more than the "expert level" girl because she is TOO hard core! and doesn't want to be just the modifier girl!)
Again, off track. (pun again - treadmills are not tracks.)
I tried a Beach Body program. Did you know that if you don't see those results in the 6 weeks promised it can really do some damage mentally? Did you know that you actually have to work out during those 6 weeks?
Ya, it's crazy. And it turns out, that's not so much for me either.
I do enjoy those workouts, to a degree. I tend to be a little hard on myself if I can't keep up, and I need the group motivation to push myself. and no not the group ON the dvd itself! Again, experts. Those people literally work out for a living.
I do appreciate the water bottle they give you though.
Anyway, this is a lot of reading for you, I hope you prepared yourself. Do you need a little break? Go grab a snack (probably should be fruit, this is a "getting fit-er" blog after all. and don't go grab those little packets of swedish fish you have left over from trick-or-treaters Saturday night, like I am)
Okay, so on to today.
I decided if I was actually going to work out, more than once a week, more than an hour, once a week, it had to be at a gym.
I signed up. First step. Big step.
Then I made myself get up at 4:30 am on a Monday morning. Actually I slept in and woke up at 4:50, the time I was planning on leaving the house... but that is so far from the point! Get off my case!
Okay, so I get dressed and grab my bag, and leave my house at 5:04 - the gym is like 3 driving minutes away...
5:08 really long red light..................
5:12 in. in the locker room - is there locker etiquette? Since I'm new am I supposed to go to the back of the room? Is the front reserved for the fit, cool kids who comes 6 times a day? Or is the back where the cool kids hang out, and I should be at the front? Okay Naomi, just pick a locker.
Okay wait, but is there actual LOCKER etiquette? Like bathroom stall etiquette? am I supposed to leave an empty locker between me and the lockers with locks on them already?
Stop stalling, it's a locker. Put your stuff in it and get to the actual workout!
5:15 bag in locker, key in pocket, water bottle in hand, earphones in, playlist ready.
5:15 and a half - heading to the Women's Only room. The upstairs treadmills were all empty. Do I want my first day to be in front of the HUGE front windows? and be the only one on a treadmill? 100% no. Plus maybe there won't be anyone downstairs!
5:15 and more... I can hear someone.
it's still 5:15 I'm just doing the time thing to be dramatic - one lady in this room. On a treadmill, she is on a pretty steep incline... and walking at a pretty brisk pace! Glad she's the only one in here showing me up! Okay, here we are again at etiquette dilemma! How many treadmills do I leave between her and the one I choose? If I go to the end of the row (there are only 5, relax.) will she think she's too sweaty and smelly and I don't want to be beside her? Will I give her a complex? What if I choose a treadmill too close and she IS too smelly and sweaty? I can't run on one for 3 minutes, and then move further away!!! Okay. End of the line it is.
5:16 Putting the strap thingy on my shirt. I know no one is here with a smart phone filming me, but I refuse to be the girl who passed out and then had to go around for 2 weeks with treadmill burns on her cheek because I refused to look foolish wearing the rope!!!
5:17 How does a treadmill work?
5:18 Okay I got it.
5:something... as if I can watch the clock and run! also it's an analog clock and I'd have to count like a 6 year old.... okay so here I am. running.
pace good, feels good, leg cramping a bit. I'll stop and stretch after 2 laps.
okay. so this gym is nice! but staring at the mostly drawn blinds is a bit boring...
There are a few TVs going, I can see one, it's on a sports channel. Why? because I work out I must love all sports? Or is it to motivate me? I must be an athlete like these people! Not.
Oh that other TV is on the Food Network! hahaha that's like polar opposites! it's like, hey fatty, you're working out, not eating pastries like these. and no you may not have one on your way home from the gym. Or maybe it's supposed to teach you how to cook healthy meals? Then why is there a baking show on? Oh wait, is that sushi? k wait, it doesn't matter.
I'm hungry.
5:30 (could have been, I really don't know) 2 laps done (that's what the treadmill says, I'm sure somewhere on there it also said time, and distance in km but I did not see that... I was just watching that little dot move very slowly around that rectangle...) okay time to pause and stretch.
ahhhhh. feels better. and I like this song. Get back on the treadmill!
Oh "pause" didn't pause.... okay start over. 2 more laps to go!
This set went by much faster, I found it easier, and I felt more motivated!
Done, and time to stretch it all out!
Oh. I like this song!!! We had a routine in Zumba! I'm just going to do some leg lifts and squats to this song, then more stretching....
That felt great! Now to the locker room! I'm amazing I can achieve great things!!!
5:45 Okay lesson time: If you buy a dollar store pad lock, and then take said lock and key to the public pool for 3 years, and then take said pack lock and key to the gym - you will have to ask the gym for lock cutters.
5:50 these things are heavy and I am having trouble. TV has failed me again. this is much harder than I ever thought. Maybe being a CSI isn't all glamour either? Maybe being a doctor isn't saying medical terms and being pretty? and then going for walks in Chicago snow falls with George Clooney? Maybe?
6:00 okay I'm home. Whatever. New lock tomorrow. Best shower.
Type more at ya tomorrow?
Feed back welcome :)
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