There is a full moon this Sunday, the 24th. You would think the unusual behavior would only present itself on that day, but I am not the only one who has noticed strange things happening this week! Maybe there's more too it than the moon, maybe not?
What do I know. This is a fitness blog.
Not a moon blog.
Although now I'm considering starting a moon blog... although I'm no scientist, so it would be the same post everyday... "yup. the moon is still there..." and maybe a dark photo with one light dot in it that is supposed to be the moon....??
Okay I won't start that blog.
I will however, start this one!
Okay, This week:
Dwayne had to leave at 5:30 this morning for an out of town job. Could I have worked out at home? Sure! Could I have worked out earlier? Sure!
But I didn't.
I still woke up at 4:15 however... and I couldn't go back to sleep!
So really, there are NO excuses. Except for the reality of the fact that I just didn't wanna.
Do you take any extra steps to ensure you have a healthy day despite missing a workout? How do you do it?
Do I? No. No I do not...
Gym. 5am.
Cardio. Empty Gym. Weird... did we suddenly decide to start Day Light Savings? And no one told me???
No I did not pause the Treadmill to take this picture. Yes I did. I lied. That would be crazy.
Legs hurt. Need to see a Dr. Is it my shoes? The exercises I am doing? The way I am doing them? My cool down / recovery process? Something else? Not sure. I assume shoes. But I am no Dr. Despite all of your assumptions, I am just not.
So I book an appointment. I will let you know how that goes.
I had insoles at one point, but they only hurt more. I haven't used them in years...
Gym. 5am.
Strength day.
Brought my sheets again, and did different sets off of them that I missed last week. I didn't think to take a picture for you. Sorry.
I felt good today. I got distracted by this song:
Outcast - The Whole World
It made me want to dance. Which I did. The gym was not empty today.
Gym. 5am.
Did not want to be here today. hard to get out of bed, hard to convince myself I was going to run today... so I didn't! I went to the gym, yes. I warmed up on the stairs for 5 minutes, that is a long 5 minutes when you don't usually climb many stairs on average...
Then I went to the bike.
Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far Kid
Got me through that 15 minutes!
Then I went on the eliptical, because I really didn't want to run.. but after 5 minutes my mind changed itself, and I ran for 10 minutes!
Music really motivates me to move. I don't understand people who can workout without blasting music... What motivates you?
Gym. 5 am.
Strength day again.
I warmed up on the treadmill, went and did my circuit of leg machines, remembered how much I love this song:
DeadMou5 - Seeya
I then did non-machine strength thingys. Like weighted squats, and lifting things until my arms hurt. owchy.
That was my week of workouts...
I hope I could be of some assistance in getting your ass moving! If not at least put a smile on your face, or at the very least introduced you to a song you either haven't heard, or forgot about!!!
- Bye.
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