Friday, 12 February 2016

This is the time to LOVE ...your body.

I didn't post last week, life's been busy, and sometimes I run out of interesting things to put in this blog!
However I am still making an appearance at the gym daily.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of last week (Feb 1-5) were cardio days, nothing new or interesting to report on that front... I got inserts for my running shoes, and they aren't helping... I hope the answer lies with new running shoes!

Strength training is still ma' fav' and it's fun. my legs are getting stronger, my arms are getting more used to the idea that they are going to be frequently asked to lift things... and they are starting to accept that fact.

I did have some interesting conversations last week about body image.
The image we carry of ourselves, the image we assume others see, and then the image we WISH we were...

That subject will never stop. I have decided there is no point trying to stop people fretting so much, or beating themselves up. But! I really would like to focus on changing that thought pattern.

It's so negative... and we don't really think that way about others, as much as we assume people are thinking that way about us...


me too.

I mean, we assume people are thinking to themselves (or talking behind our backs) about how huge my ass is, how much it's changed since I had my kid, since I turned 30, since I stopped moving and started eating more cake...
But the reality of it, is that everyone else is so focused on their own ass, they really don't have time to write a book on yours.


I would love someone to write a book on mine...

But the point is, that yes, someone might think something negative about you, screw her. you don't need her! you have me, and I think you are hot!

So, focus on telling yourself positive things about your body.

I read one time, in some distant black hole, about telling yourself 5 things you love about yourself. And I may have blogged about it before, I've meant to, I really can't remember one moment to the next the random ramblings that go on in my head... so I'm either mentioning this again or for the first time.. 5 things. Once a week. Or once a day for a week if you can't find 5 things all at once!
Just 5.

Wanna hear mine? No, you don't. Because no one cares. My 5 aren't 5 things I've gotten compliments on, or 5 things I think should be my 5, it's 5 things that are my 5.

My 5 favorite things about my body.

Having trouble? Take a different approach, how about 5 things you never even thought of?
Maybe you have amazing ear lobes! Maybe you love the size of your feet? (easy to find shoes that fit?) maybe you love that any colour looks good on you! Maybe you love your eye colour, or your hair?

5. No one is quizzing you. So please, for your own sake. Pick 5.

Then, once you pick 5, keep going! I think you'll be surprised.

Your body is with you 24/7. I've tried leaving mine behind, but it's usually my mind I leave at home, and I'm at the grocery store with an empty body!

Doesn't work.
So you'd better start to learn to love that body.
And what's a better time than RIGHT NOW??!?!!!

For those keeping track, that ^^ was about last week, this week (Feb 8-12) I only missed one day while Mr. was working out of town. I thought about going to an evening class, but, you guessed it! The couch and my new while-chocoloate-raspberry chocolate bar from my Mommy, was way more appealing.


Bliss in a Chocolate Ball

Follow that link. They make amazing balls.
Balls full of energy that I ate before the Gyme for 2 weeks! there are still some left in my fridge!!!!

For more inspiration follow Kayla Itsines on instagram, or facebook, or pinterest... or just find her in the streets and start following her... she's a fitness master, and she posts really inspirational tidbits. She cares about her self-love, and she cares about you.
So go there.

Then, go here:

Let Me Clear My Throat - DJ Kool

For the greatest pump up jam. Ever.

Or, try here:

You Make My Dreams

Actually, listen to both.

Good times. Now you feel like hitting the gym don't you? or at least dancing your heart out!!! I am dancing right at this very moment!

You are absolutely most welcome for all the inspiration, it is brought to you by my own perspiration! 

Now I am off to rest for 2 days. And make bad choices. What are you doing this weekend???

Friday, 22 January 2016

The Week of the Full Moon!!

There is a full moon this Sunday, the 24th. You would think the unusual behavior would only present itself on that day, but I am not the only one who has noticed strange things happening this week! Maybe there's more too it than the moon, maybe not?
What do I know. This is a fitness blog.
Not a moon blog.
Although now I'm considering starting a moon blog... although I'm no scientist, so it would be the same post everyday... "yup. the moon is still there..." and maybe a dark photo with one light dot in it that is supposed to be the moon....??
Okay I won't start that blog.

I will however, start this one!

Okay, This week:


Dwayne had to leave at 5:30 this morning for an out of town job. Could I have worked out at home? Sure! Could I have worked out earlier? Sure!
But I didn't.
I still woke up at 4:15 however... and I couldn't go back to sleep! 
So really, there are NO excuses. Except for the reality of the fact that I just didn't wanna.
Do you take any extra steps to ensure you have a healthy day despite missing a workout? How do you do it?
Do I? No. No I do not...


Gym. 5am.
Cardio. Empty Gym. Weird... did we suddenly decide to start Day Light Savings? And no one told me???

No I did not pause the Treadmill to take this picture. Yes I did. I lied. That would be crazy.
Legs hurt. Need to see a Dr. Is it my shoes? The exercises I am doing? The way I am doing them? My cool down / recovery process? Something else? Not sure. I assume shoes. But I am no Dr. Despite all of your assumptions, I am just not.
So I book an appointment. I will let you know how that goes. 
I had insoles at one point, but they only hurt more. I haven't used them in years...


Gym. 5am.
Strength day.
Brought my sheets again, and did different sets off of them that I missed last week. I didn't think to take a picture for you. Sorry.
I felt good today. I got distracted by this song:
Outcast - The Whole World
It made me want to dance. Which I did. The gym was not empty today.


Gym. 5am.
Did not want to be here today. hard to get out of bed, hard to convince myself I was going to run today... so I didn't! I went to the gym, yes. I warmed up on the stairs for 5 minutes, that is a long 5 minutes when you don't usually climb many stairs on average...
Then I went to the bike.
Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far Kid
Got me through that 15 minutes!
Then I went on the eliptical, because I really didn't want to run.. but after 5 minutes my mind changed itself, and I ran for 10 minutes!
Music really motivates me to move. I don't understand people who can workout without blasting music... What motivates you?


Gym. 5 am.
Strength day again.
I warmed up on the treadmill, went and did my circuit of leg machines, remembered how much I love this song:
DeadMou5 - Seeya
I then did non-machine strength thingys. Like weighted squats, and lifting things until my arms hurt. owchy. 

That was my week of workouts... 

I hope I could be of some assistance in getting your ass moving! If not at least put a smile on your face, or at the very least introduced you to a song you either haven't heard, or forgot about!!!

- Bye.

Friday, 15 January 2016

I Wonder How Many Ks I've Ran Since Nov 2??

I just looked back at my first post - it was Nov 2. Today is January 12.

Does NOT feel like it was however-many-that-is weeks ago...

Monday: If you've been keeping up to date with your readings, you will know that Monday is cardio day.

And if you must know, I ran on the treadmill for 20 mins, then did the fish game on the rowing machine for 5 minutes, went on the elliptical for 20 mins, and finished it all off with some stretching - which is by far my favourite part.
Sunday night I looked up some varying 'routines' to do on the treadmill, and elliptical.
"Where did you look Naomi?" Where every girl between the ages of 10-50 looks for anything these days - Pinterest!

Here is the post for the treadmill and elliptical:

I ran at a 4.7 for 15 mins, then did 6.0 for 1 min, then 8.0 for 30 seconds. Then I died... When the medics revived me, I turned the machine down to 3.5 and walked for 5 mins. So, to sum up, I got ideas from the Pinterest post, I did not do it exactly. Cuz if I did, I wouldn't be here to type you entertaining blog posts.

And you love these.

In case you can't read that Elliptical workout, don't worry because I barely followed it. and I have no idea what it means anyway... it basically says run for a min at this incline with this resistance, which you push the up arrow on the machine, and then after a minute you fall off the elliptical and pant excessively.

Tuesday: Again, keeping up with your readings? Doing your homework?

Quiz time!!! What are Tuesdays??? WRONG!!!! Tuesday is weights and such.

Today I got my inspiration from these Pinterest posts:

And today I actually did a few of those, definitely not all, but I added a few of my own too.

I also 100% altered most of those.

So really, I just put those there for show. They mean next to nothing.

After I did stuff (or didn't do anything, you don't know! you're just taking my word for it! I could just nap in the steam room the whole time! You don't have security camera footage! (do you????))

Wednesday: Cardio!!!! same as per usual, bike, row, elliptical! 45 mins, sweating like it's +35 not -35!
I should have selfied for you. Maybe next time...

Today I wrote down my game plan on sticky notes and brought them into the gym. Nerd alert!
I had 9 arm workouts and 9 leg and 9 abs. The plan was 3 arms, 3 legs, 3 abs, 3 arms, 3 legs 3 abs... you get it.
What really happened was the first cycle, then half of the second... some altering of the game plan... and time ran out so I stretched and left!!

Haha.. oh well I felt good, and my arms are sore.. so I know they got worked!

Friday: All motivation went out the window! or maybe it just froze....
I didn't want to go, I forgot my head band, I forgot to eat my power ball, I didn't have any electrolyte powder, it had snowed, I was late................. and on and on and on.
I went. But I didn't end up needing my headband anyway, because I didn't break a sweat!
I "ran" for 10 mins on the treadmill, but when I couldn't convince myself to do anything more than jog, I got off.
I figured maybe the bike would be better?
I peddled, whilst watching tv...
After 10 minutes of that I switched to the elliptical again...

Today was hard. I don't know if it was because it was the end of the week, or if something else was up. But I had a lot of trouble motivating myself.

I don't want to lose out on a workout, due to lack of motivation! but then again, everyone needs a down day every now and then.. I don't want to push myself to exhaustion, or to not loving working out.

Because even though I hate it! I actually love it.

The Gym has been extra busy lately, which is great, people should get out and get in shape, stay active and get healthy!! but they should also get out of my way... and stop showing me up! They have a tenancy to do that. All the time! I just want to impress someone with my ability to lift 3 pounds... 

Anyway, next week Mr. is out of town... let's see if I can motivate myself to do an at home DVD? or if I take the week off... I may or may not let you know!

You may or may not even be reading this.

I am off to try and find Star Wars Episodes 4, 5, 6. Wish me luck!

Friday, 8 January 2016

Looooooooooong Week

If you want to stress something, add more letters. Ie my week has felt really long, so there are an extra 10 Os. That's how you know.

I made it to the gym all 5 days! It was extra hard. As I have a few new excuses.
Wednesday and Thursday were late nights... and I just didn't wanna.

I made myself though.

Yesterday was Thursday, and I lifted a weight!
It was great.
The gym, I no longer hate.
Don't feel that way yet? Just you wait.
If you need some extra motivation, bring a mate.
I don't think it's a very good place to bring a date...
I have to work on punctuality, and not be late.
Before my workout yesterday, I actually ate!

Okay. That's beyond enough.

I ate some chocolate power balls yesterday before lifting any weight. I felt better, today I didn't eat and wished I had.

I was 20 minutes late on Thursday. I quickly warmed up, then did 3 exercises, then 3 different ones, then 3 more. That was all the time I had, but I think I was sweating more at the end yesterday, than I have all week! Combined, even. Maybe...

Today I was a little late, but not bad. And today was cardio.
I started on the bike for 10 mins (13 if you include the "cool down" and where I may have been using that time to search for songs to add to my playlist, I was still biking, so it totally counts)

Then I went to climb some stairs, and used the other stair machine. You have no idea there is a difference, and I didn't take a picture, so you'll just have to picture a stair machine, now picture a different type of stair machine. Ya, that's the one I used today. For 5 minutes.

Then I went on a elliptical machine for 15 minutes.

Then cool down and stretch.

This is the song I added to my list whilst peddling a stationary bicycle:

Rise Against: Savior

This is a picture of a dog in sweat bands:

And this is my wish to you, to have a good, movement filled, food filled weekend. With the best of intentions, and the best of sleeps - because that's all I want to do right now! Sleep!!!


Tuesday, 5 January 2016

2016: The Beginning.

This is the newest year yet.

And here's my face, ready to sweat:

There is no safety net!

Okay, I promise I won't rhyme this whole post...

Although it's tempting, I bet....

I was wondering about all the resolutioners yesterday, but Monday morning was quiet to normal (Mondays are usually the quietest). Parking lot looked almost empty. I thought maybe 5 am didn't get the resolutioners like you hear about? or maybe it just isn't that bad anymore. I mean, do you make resolutions? Did you this year? 
Was one of your resolutions about fitness? or health?

I don't resolute. Not just because it's the new year anyway.
I resolute all the time, make goals, strive for more, make myself promises... 
but I don't make huge goals for 2016, just because the earth went around the sun again... that's just me. That's what works for me.
If I make a huge yearly "dream" then I set myself up to fail. I don't want any more excuses to quit than I already have! 
I try to make small "step-goals" constantly.
"Step-goals" are where you reach a goal, or are approaching it, so you move it.
I may have made that up, but I doubt it. I know I didn't invent the concept!

It's like when you are long distance running. You start to feel tired, you pick a landmark (ie "when I reach that telephone pole I will walk for a bit") and then when you reach it, you don't walk, you extend the landmark a little further ("okay, I'm at the pole, now to the next intersection") and further and further until you build up your stamina etc.

So that's what I try to do all year long with everything, fitness and health included.

That's me. I don't judge you if you make resolutions in the beginning of the new year, it just isn't my style. So when I pulled up to the gym yesterday, I didn't know what to expect. It seemed to have the usual attendance level...

I did cardio yesterday. That is one of my fitness changes or "goals", is to do cardio 3 times a week and weights, abs etc twice a week. I do have a goal to lose some weight, or at least transform it. And this is what will work best for that goal.
Once that is achieved I will have to switch it up to maintain what I accomplished. But that could take a year or more, no idea.
Treadmill is still my fav. I treaded, I biked, and I finally figured out the Fish Game on the rowing machine!!! and it's a lot of fun!!
(Step 1. read the instructions on the machine - should be obvious, but I never thought of that last time... Step 2. you row hard your fish moves up, you row light he drops down. Step 3. Avoid big fish that eat you, eat fish smaller than you. Points are 30 for tiny fish 60 for medium fish I ended after the 5 minutes with 535 points (you lose points if you get eaten, not sure how many...)) That was way better than last time of 90 points!!!

So that was cardio day! Everyone's dreaded first day back, wasn't so bad!

The last time I gymed was Christmas Eve I think...

New Year, Gym Day 2:

This morning the parking lot was the busiest I have ever seen it... there were people everywhere! Resolutioners!!!! They skipped Monday apparently... but today.... EVERYWHERE!!!!

Okay you couldn't actually tell... except for the full-er parking lot...

The women's only room was normal. I recognized everyone in there. There were 3 new ones when I left after my hour... and yes, I do know all of them. We are secret friends. Secret in the fact that they are my friends, and I know everything about them. Except their names, and we have never spoken...

Anyway, you know what I did today?!? 

Wait for it...............

Build up the tension..............................

and anticipation........................................................................

I WENT ON THE STAIR MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes. I did. 5 whole warm up minutes of climbing stairs! I put it on 10. No idea what that means, but it wasn't as hard as climbing the 2 flights at work! and I do that like 5 times a day! Very proud of myself :)  <-- that happy face would be bigger if I could make it bigger....

 there we go! look how happy I am

I did more floor cardio warm ups (jumping jacks, on place yogging, pretend skipping - that's where you pretend to skip, but don't move or have a rope. you look foolish, but you sweat!)

I picked up some weights, and did some stuff.

I laid down on the mat - and thought about staying there a while... but I made myself sit up. Then lay down. Then sit up again.... like 10 times! arg.

I did some abs, then more on the floor cardio, to warm back up after my ab-nap.

Then I did more weights things, then I went to 5 leg machines, before walking for a few minutes to cool down.
Stretches............. and done. (sigh)

The parking lot was even fuller when I left! Woah! Good for you guys! Get in there, get a machine, work that body, make sure you don't hurt no body!

How was your workout today? Did it last night? How did that go? What did you do differently, or for the first time?
What will you try next time?
Do you already have a plan for tomorrow?
Tomorrow is cardio again for me.
And tonight I plan on buying some veggies! I am craving all kinds!

gonna try this recipe:

Looks good.

Maybe if I keep using that stair machine (I think it might be called a "stair master" ?? but I shall continue to call it a "stair machine" until I have mastered it) then I will be able to increase my goal to walking 5 flights every morning, from my car to my office?


Until next time!!! Keep fun, and have fit!

Check out the Space Jam vid below!!!
